Linsi's Unexpected Results

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Yooo! Sorry for not publishing for some days! But yup I'm back and I hope you guys keep reading!

~~Linsi's POV~~

Its been a week since that incident happened in the detention room with Zash.. the incident where we almost kissed.... To be honest.. I do wanted to kiss him..urgh! I should stop thinking!
It was Tuesday morning and I was sitting in my class as the teacher was giving out the answer papers of the test we took yesterday..
"Linsi Akiyama" He called out as I stood up and walked towards him while to take the paper
I took the paper and sat on my seat then looked at it...I stared at it for some seconds then rubbed my eyes to see if it was true "what the...?" I mumbled to myself and sighed "20.... seriously...20 out off 100" I sighed and put my head on the desk. I felt someone patting my back, I looked back only see Zash "What do you want Zash?" I sighed asking him as he whispered "Whats wrong? How many did you get?" He asked "...20" I mumbled "oh dang" He said. On hearing the bell ring, it was now lunch time and I was packing my bag and saw Zash walking towards me "Hey Linsi!" He started "Wanna join me? I'm going to Lilie and Tsubaki" I smiled brightly and nodded "Of course!" I finished packing my bag then we walked together to the school's cafeteria to meet Lilie and Tsubaki. Surprisingly, I saw them together there that is not a thing to see everyday.
We walked over to them and took our own seats
Lilie then start to talk "So I heard your class got your test results? How much did you guys get?"

s I heard that, I froze then looked at Zash gesturing him to say first. He nodded looking at them "73" they both looked at him and chuckled "As expected from the Zash! Now how about you?" Tsubaki said looking at me "uh...20.." I said in a small voice that made him and Lilie surprised "How?! You should've got more than 50!" Lilie blurted out. I sighed and replied "I.... Couldn't focus on studies.." Tsubaki nodded and holds his chin "I think I have an idea" We all looked at him then he continued "Why don't you.." he pointed at Zash "Help her" he then pointed at me "In her studies?" My jaw dropped at his idea, I don't know but my face started to flush in red as Zash shot glare at him but I gotta admit Tsubaki's a really sly dog..
"So what do you think?" Tsubaki said looking at Zash who just groaned and looked away "Fine by me...and you?" He looked over at me "Uh.. yeah I'm good with it too" I said
"Alright! Lets meet outside the school gate after school ends" I nodded in reply "Alright now it's done! Its time to go to our class lets go!" Tsubaki said pulling Lilie with him "Oh geez Tsubaki!" She giggled following him
I looked at Zash who gestured to go, I smiled a bit and walked to class with him


The school bell rang as I walked outside and stood in front of the school gate waiting for Zash to come... I don't know why but I started feeling kinda fidgety and nervous..
After a few minutes I saw Zash running towards me. I smiled brightly and waved at him until he got to me. "So, care to go?" He asked chuckling, I smiled and nodded in reply "Yeah lets go" we then walked to the library together and sat side by side eachother
"So to start with" He said, I looked at him as I noticed he was going a little red. I giggled at bit as I was unconsciously staring at him while he was busy teaching me..
After a while he cleared his throat to get me back to sense "So do you understand?" He said as I blinked a few times "uhm....what were you.. talking about..?" I said awkwardly. He facepalmed and smiled a bit "Fine, I'll explain it all again, listen closely" I nodded and scoot near him looking at the book as he was explaining
After some explaining, he asked "Now, do you understand?" I smiled brightly replying "yup!" He grinned a bit "Great, now you'll get good marks right?" "Yup! Great marks!" We smiled at eachother then walked out of the library and part our ways to home

~~After two days~~

I nervously hold my answer sheet, scared to see as Zash was sitting besides me, he was sweating a little too.. "Are you ready to look?" He asked as he gulp "uh..yeah...lets look.." I slowly opened the paper...and the score I got was... "87?!" We shouted in unison. Then looked at eachother in joy "You did it!" He said gleefully "Yea! Thanks to you!" I replied as I hugged him tightly that made both of us blush red.. "" I muttered as I was about to pull away but stopped by him putting his arms around me and hugged back "...heh you're welcome.." He answered as I blushed more and smiled brightly nodding..

.... It was pleasant moment...
His arms around me got my heart racing...
From that moment
I clearly realised...

I love him

Awwww so cute aren't they? I hope you like this chapter! More will be coming soon! Stay tuned for the next chapter! >u<

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