Fedural era tales

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Chapter 3

slight yaoi and if you see any mistakes plz tell me!

A brotherly moment gone....

Sesshomaru spent the next human life-time alternating his time between wandering and enjoying the sweet innocence of Inuyasha's company. His father still glowered at him every time Sesshomaru approached his young hanyou brother...but what did Sesshomaru care?


Sesshomaru turned, waiting for Inuyasha to catch up. "Yes small one?"

Inuyasha stilled growled when ever Sesshomaru used his old nickname, but he was too happy to be loved to mind that much. "Why the hell did you have to start calling me that again? It was bad enough when i actuly WAS small..." Sesshomaru laughed.

It had been several weeks already, and thpu Sesshomaru had showed Inuyasha some things that one could do with a mouth, he had not yet fully claimed the hanyou as his. Yet.

And, with kuck, he wouldn't have to for a while yet. Between the fact that he now never wanted to leave this place again, and he never wanted their father to find out, that was the main reason Inuyasha was not yet truely his.

Their father must never know.

Inuyasha lay curled in Sesshomaru's lap as he sat against the wall, both taking comfort in eachother's warmth during what was the coldest day of the year. Inuyasha's hand drifted up to rest on his brother's cheak.

"Sess?" he whispered.

"Hm?" Sesshomaru glanced down to meet amber eyes.

"Why do you love me?"

The youkai smiled slightly. "Because I do, and I can't stop that."

"Do you want to stop it?"

"I did."

"And now?"

"Now I'd rather lose my arm than let you go, even for an instant" (irony anyone?)

"Hm. Good." Inuyasha snuggled deeper into his brother's embrace. A brother's only reacation to to hold him tighter.

"I love you. Now and forever."

"Will you love me forever?"

"Yes. Now will you stay with me forever? And never forget?"

Inuyasha laughed. "I could never forget you Sess."

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha fell slient, content to sit together, holding one another.

Their father stood watching them, having heard every word. "Oh, my beatiful son. He will forget you. I will make him, for you do not deserve such happniess. And I will make sure you never have it. I will tear your heart out and make you eat it before I'm done."


With that their father turned and walked away. Glancing up, Sesshomaru felt his world slip away upon seeing the back of his father. 'HE SAW US! Dammit!'

Sesshomaru lay, with Inuyasha warm in his arms, looking at the wall. Anytime he knew their father would send for them, and he truely feared what he might do. 'I will always love you small one. No matter what happens. I will. Now and forever...I swear it...'

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