Chapter 2 - Anne Frank and The German Frank

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"Hey its Athena and you've reached my voicemail. Before you get lost, please do leave your important message and I'll get back to you. Thanks!"

This might be my one hundredth time to hit her voicemail. Okay I'm exaggerating! Its only my seventh time but that seems like one hundred times. What happened to that chick anyway? I've been waiting here in Jazmin's Place for an hour already yet still no texts or calls. Maybe she's still asleep since she did drove Ares to the airport late last night. Okay then, I'll try to think that's what happened.

For the mean time, I'll read my favorite book, "The Diary of Anne Frank". This was from my mom. She was supposed to give it to me personally when I'm a bit older. But since she died giving birth to me, my dad was the one who gave it to me when I turned thirteen. How'd I found out that my mom was going to give it to me? Simple, she wrote a letter at the last page of the book addressing to me.

I was already lost in the book when suddenly a guy spoke to me, "Uhm hey is this seat taken?" He shyly smiled at me and scratched the back of his head. "I can't seem to find any free seat. I was just thinking that maybe I can sit here. Only if its alright with you!" he said.

I smiled back and nodded twice. I'm not gonna lie, he's cute. But I'm not the one to interact with boys. Plus I am reading here so no one can distract me.

"You come here often?" he asked me. Again, I nod twice without looking away from my precious book.

"Uhm you live nearby?" I shake my head, no.

"So you like to read books?" I nod my head twice. This guy is becoming annoying.

"That's cool! My little sister loves to read too. Have you read "The Perks of Being A Wallflower"? Its her favorite one." For the fourth time, I nodded my head twice.

"Are you mute or something?" I shook my head. "Really? Cause you seem like one."

I placed my book down and said, "No, I'm not mute. I just don't like it when someone bothers me while I'm reading. Happy now?"

He just continued to smile at me and he said, "You're definitely just like my little sister."

My phone buzzed at the same time he stood to get his order. Thank goodness its Athena.

"Forgive me V for I cannot comply with our agreement for today. You see my dear friend, grandma left me with a grave task of looking over my niece, Cecilia. This does not mean that I have neglected our friendship, no. I love you more than a sister and I will never give up on us. Truly, I'm so sorry. Please keep that in mind."

Geez Athena, you're such a goofball. Before replying to her, I saw the guy heading towards MY table. Athena can't come so what am I still doing here? I quickly stood and grabbed my backpack before the guy could come and bug me.

I left the place and texted back to Athena. "You are forgiven and excused. Next time though, don't hesitate on texting or calling me in advance. Where are you anyway?"

I didn't want to go home yet cause its too early and no one's home. Maybe at least I can hang out with Athena and Cecilia. Last time I'm with them was the day Athena got her drivers lisence. We ended up out of gas a few kilometers outside our city. Which wasn't such a wonderful thing but trust me, I had fun with them.

Athena texted back immediately. Turns out they're at the park. I texted her that I'll be there in ten. I chose to walk since the park isn't that far. Leaving the place, I can't help but think I've forgotten something. Nevermind that.


"ATHOS!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU!" Cecilia called out the moment she saw me.

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