We meet again[8]

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Kelli POV

Friday night

I walked into the restaurant, looking around, taking in the summer like scenery. Dimmed golden lighting pink, red, blue and many other artificial flowers scattered the walls, attached to vines. Also there was a fountain in middle of the ground floor.....breathtakingly beautiful i just say.  I like this I thought to my self i took out my phone to snap a few pics to add to my review. This had worked out  better than I expected. Normally when someone asks me to cover a field for them its usually because the place sucks, but that's how my career grew because I went places and do things other were running away from or unwilling to do. I would be lying if I say I wasn't upset that this is the last favor I'm doing for Semoy, which would put my ass back to the desk again.

I walked up the stairs straight to the bar, I introduced myself and notified the manager that i was here. She can out from the back to greet me and offered me a drink. I kindly accepted, she thanked me for coming and wished me a pleasant experience. I walk off to the balcony with my drink in hand. I leaned over the rails gazing off at the pasting bodies. I made note that I saw a lot of different races dining here. I continued to scan the crowd, not making eye contact with anyone until  I saw a face looking up at me, which obviously caught my attention.

I smiled wildly, I put my finger in a come here mention signaling her to come over to me. She rose from her seat and stalked in my direction. "Why are you alone sexy." No name said. "I was about to ask you the same miss.....ummmmmm?"

"Gayle" she said.

"Im Kelli."

"I know."

"Oh...so you had intentions tonight whilst approaching me?" I asked

She sighed "honestly no, I met someone here a few weeks back and I really liked this person and what not, we exchange numbers but I lost my phone. So I've be coming back here every week hoping I see her."

Wow ain't that relatable.......

"Ain't that some shit, I can relate." I replied to her. All week long I've been hoping to meet up with mystery girl from the club but no luck. She have been consuming my thoughts. Which was tiring and also resulted in sleepless nights.

"What's your story?"

"I met a woman, we talked, drink, laughed but unfortunately the night ended with us separating without exchanging contact, I didn't get her name either.". I answered her question. She "oh wowed" me.  We chatted up some more until 9, when she decided to call it a night. We exchanged numbers just for the sake of wanting a good conversation again. I bid my goodbyes to her and walked to the bar for another drink. I ordered dinner and told the waiter to have it brought to me in half an hour.

When I'd finished my meal i thank the manager and the other staff I'd met before leaving the restaurant. They offered me some take away and I gladly accepted. The eleventh hour crept up on me and I was desperately desiring some entertainment of the sexual nature. The harsh of the city's wind that the restaurant walls had shield me from slapped the exposed skin my suit didn't cover. I shivered and quicker my pace finally reaching my car.

I sat back in the driver's seat brain storming on places i can go to satisfy my needs.....ah ha I know the perfect place.

I pulled up to the first free parking spot in sight. Once again I am here. A second Friday, back to back at the same club. The same club i met miss no name, a week ago. Seems like I'm regurgitating Gayle's actions. In all honesty I do hope to meet her tonight and this time I promise I would get a name and most important a number.

Look at you smh.......my subconscious joked. If only my past self could as so much peek at me right now, fits of uncontrollable laughter won't be heard.

Here I am obsessing over a female i know not one shit about. Women obsess over me not the other way around! Wtf is going on with your girl.

I walked into the club, I know exactly where I was heading to. With each step I walked with faith hanging on to my shoulder that anything can happen tonight......and that's when it did happened, exactly what I wanted. There she was again standing at same spot by the bar  but she wasn't alone. I felt a little bothered by this. I decided to keep my distance but admire from afar, hoping my interest would send her company away eventually. Tonight she wore a pair of red jeans that hugged her thick thighs nicely, a white long sleeve fitted turtle neck that seems to highlight her upper body shape and her hair or weave pulled back into a bun.......simple but sexy.

I needed to talk to her. I waited patiently for half an hour for the woman to send her company away but nada. Normally, if I was myself i would of mash that shit up real quick and took what I wanted but lately I've been doing out of myself shit. I got tired of waiting and made my way to the bathroom. Maybe tonight ain't yours kells, I told myself.

As I make my way to the bathroom 🚻 i heard 👂 foot steps hot 🔥 on my trail 👣 but I didn't bother to pay that any attention, after all its the bathroom I'm heading to.

As I walk out of the stall i saw "her" standing by the faucet. I got stuck in the gaze of her hazel eyes, such beautiful golden orbs. She looks extremely beautiful in the brighten light i just couldn't take my eyes 👀 away from her. "Don't tell me you have no plans to wash your hands now miss mooring you bout that funky shit!! "

"Umm....ahh......yo." Some how my words could not come through coherently. What the fuck is wrong with me"

" cat got your tongue, I see! "  she smiled

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