01/09/18 ×Friend×

23 0 0

This will be a short one

I sit in school and think about My best friend who I like all day. I don't know if that's normal or if they would think that it's weird but I like them so much and I think they're the sweetest thing ever. I don't want them to ever hurt or feel bad about themselves because I think that they are perfect just the way they are. They've been My best friend for years and I've never known a better person. I hope that one day I can meet them and just hug them to death. I will never leave their side even if they hurt me. I couldn't do it. I think that they are amazing.

If you're reading this I hope you know that I think you're amazing and lovely. I want the best for you and I want you to be happy.

I love you, Muffin Thing.

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