Chapter 1

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Hey guyzz,

Amazing Cover by DarellyLucero !!!!

This is my first story on wattpad and I hope you guys enjoy it.

This is a fanfiction on Thor and Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass by, Sarah .J. Mass.

It is will not have anything to do with the movies and sadly it will be that Loki has died, this is so the story will flow and it will be easier for me to add more raw emmotion. Also it will have some of Celaena's past from the book Throne of Glass but the rest of the story is off the top of my head, also her appearance has been changed just because.

Please vote so I will upload more chapters:)


Enjoy ^_^


Celaena POV

My eyes looked wearily around at everyone who walked by me. Many eyes followed my every move and I knew what they were thinking because it showed in their eyes everytime they looked at mine.

'Who is she? She looks like a freak. Whats up with her eyes?' Those were what always went through minds, especially about my eyes. I knew it because some of them were brave enough to come up to me and say it to my face.

My eyes were a strange colour. They were bright blue but had ring of black around the iris. I once had jet black hair but ever since finding hair dye I have now lightened my hair so it was still black but now had hues of brown. I was tall with a tanned complexion... And I was of Asgardian blood.

I have not seen Asgard in almost 3 years ever since I was exiled and I have not missed it since. It was never my home and it never will be. Though Midgard, or as humans prefer ,Earth, is weak and full of weak people, I have grown fond of it and wish to protect it some how.

I have learned that not all humans are weak but they are infact smart, brave and strong. They have seemed to develop more than the Asgardians but have yet gone to their full potential.

A buzz broke me from my thoughts and looked at my small device ,called a phone.


"Celaena?" Nick Fury, the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D, an agency who have taken me in when I first arrived on Earth, answered on the other end.

"What do you want" I mutter faintly annoyed.

"I need to see you immediately" he stated.

I sniggered "What for?"

" There have been spikes in the energy fields close to where we first found you and they are similar to what you call the bifrost energy field."

Just as he said that there was flash of lightning that was not ordinary and I knew there was someone coming and they may be coming for me.


So what do you guys think?

I am so excited i hope you guys enjoyed this first bit.

Please vote and comment.

I will try to upload another chapter soon.


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