Chapter 30

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Thor's POV

When the council finished me and Celaena walked out of the room together. I smiled slightly remembering her speech in the council room. I could tell my father was impressed and that Celaena reminded him of her father the old general. The speech she had said was similar to one that General Sardothien had said along time ago in a similar situation.

I took her slim hand in my large one and tugged it willing her to follow me. She looked at me and smiled, her blue eyes bright making the black ring around hem more prominent. I pulled her to the gardens and sat her on a bench in front of the lake. The water sparkled and rippled. Turning, I looked at Celaena her dark hair fell across her shoulders as she looked at the pond. She was leaning her elbows on her knees and was deep in thought.

"You know" she started "I don't understand how this war eve started yet here I am fighting."

She turned to me "What is the reason for this war?"

I sighed "The giants they were not happy with there position they felt that we looked down upon them and did not think of them as our equals. We tried to reason with them but it was no use they announced war against us."

She nodded thoughtfully something flickered in her eyes but it was to quick for me to decipher. Standing, she held her hand out to me, with a smile I took it and we walked through the gardens heading into my room. When we reached there she pushed me against my bedroom door and her lips collided with my own. I froze in surprise but I quickly kissed her back. This kiss was full of passion and something else. It was like we were drowning and the other was the only thing that could keep us afloat.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist pressing herself closer to me. I let out a soft moan and walked, more like stumbled to the bed. I lay her down softly and her hands slid beneath my shirt and over my back. She removed my shirt and I did the same to her. I looked at her, she was beautiful no matter of her past she was still kind it was her past that put in her that bad place, which caused her to kill.

As more of our clothes came off it became more than just the need to be with each other it was the realisation that we could not be without the other and that we would never separated.


Celaena's POV

I didn't know what made me decide to give it all to Thor but I just knew that if I held it off I would never get another chance and it would be to late. Now I lay against Thor's chest. His breathing was even and he was in deep sleep. I looked at his face and ran a hand along his strong jaw. I wanted to remember his face like this at peace ,happy. No worry ,no pain. I sighed I knew I had to do what I am about to. I couldn't let anyone die not for such a foolish reason.

I stood removing Thor's arm from around my waist. I stood and looked at him with a small smile playing along my lips. I put on my clothes and headed towards to the throne room ready to tell the king of my plan to save this kingdom from the losing innocent lives.

Even if it meant losing my own.

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