Chapter 28

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Celaena's POV

I woke in the morning to find my head on Thor's chest. He was sleeping heavily small breaths leaving his mouth steadily. His golden hair was fanned out around his head making seem as if there was a halo of light surrounding him. His golden skin showed a healthy glow. I ran my hand over his eyebrows down the side of his cheeks over his well defined cheekbones. I continued to trace my finger to his lips. I ran my finger over his red lips. I looked up when I felt his shift under me. I looked up and was met by sparkling azure blue eyes.

He smiled at me and I returned it. He sat up slightly and ran his hand through my dark hair.

"Good morning" he smiled leaning forward and placing his lips on mine.

I smiled more against his lips as I returned the kiss. "Now I can get used to walking up to this every day"

He laughed lightly and leaned towards me again but there was a knock on his door. Thor grumbled obviously annoyed. "What do you want?"

"Thor, Celaena we know you are in there come on we need to have breakfast and after there's a meeting about the war" Fandral's voice came through muffled but there was an obvious smile in it.

"We'll be down soon" I answered laughing.

"Very well" was all we heard and then shuffling.

I stood up and went to the door "Get ready you can pick me up once your done then we'll go have breakfast."

He nodded slowly and stood up wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a quick peck on the lips. With that I walked out of the room and into my own one. I ran into the bath and looked at myself into the mirror my dark hair hung to middle of my back. My face had some colour back though it was still considerably pale. I shrugged out of my clothes and slipped into the bath, which I had already filled with water. I sat there bubbles floating around.

I heard my door to the bathing chamber open. Thor stepped in and sat on the edge of the bath.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You were taking so long I wondered if you had drowned." He laughed lightly.

I glared at him playfully not at all bothered that he was here watching me bathe. The bubble covered me perfectly and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. When I looked back at him. His eyes were on me. There was lust there and he was trying mask and I smiled slyly.

I raised a leg out of the water the bubbles parting showing my skin glistening from the water. His eyes jerked to my leg and back to me.

"What are your trying to do?" He asked hoarsely.

I grinned at him leaning forward slightly he let out a silent groan, I pulled his arm and he leant down his lips pressing against mine. My hand moved through his hair pulling slightly. His lips broke from my own and he continued down my jaw he leaned closer almost tipping into the water. Hold on, why not? I pulled him by his back and he fell into the water on top of me. His eyes widened slightly and was about to protest but I kissed him. He moaned again and pressed his clothed body against my own.

His lips moved away and continued nipping at my neck. He found my sweet spot and bit it lightly causing a moan to slip out. I felt his body against mine under the water and I pressed myself closer. His hand slipped down and caressed my sides. I pushed against him and flipped us so I was above him he glanced down and swallowed. I realised my top half was revealed and I couldn't care less. I kissed him passionately and he returned with just as much heat. I could feel the heat of something against my leg.

I smirked "Someones excited."

He laughed and I pulled away and stood up grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me. He sat up and pushed himself out.

"Are you gonna leave me like this." He groaned.

I laughed and shook my head "Go get changed Thor."

He glared at me and chuckled. He walked out of the room and I slumped against my closet wall. What had just happened? Why on Vahala did I do that? Taking a shaky breath. I got dressed in black skinny jeans and a a black tank top with a leather jacket over it.

I walked out and over to Thor's room I opened the door to find him adjusting his armour. I grinned when he turned around and smiled. He walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist we made our way down to the hall. I laughed when we entered and there was only the warriors three and Lady Sif.

They looked at us obviously not impressed. "You both better hurry." Volstagg laughed " No never mind do not bother with it you need to come now"

I rolled my eyes and me and Thor followed them into the council chamber. I flinched remembering the last time I had come here. Not the best memory. There were glares sent to me from all around the table. I gave them all a smirk and sat down.

"Now that we are all let us begin." Odin's voice echoed in the large chamber.

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