Chapter 1: "Since When Did The Library Have a Portal?!"

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Two girls enter a small, circular room. The walls are covered with books from floor to ceiling. The first to enter is around 16. She has silver hair tied into a side ponytail, a black sweatshirt with a silver skull printed on the front, black ripped jeans with fishnet tights underneath, and black combat boots. The second to enter is around 8. She has brown hair put up into two pigtails, a powdery pink short-sleeved shirt on, a poofy pink skirt of the same color, and white Mary Janes. They each have a small gold pentacle pendant around their necks, as a sign of protection.

Marcy's POV~~~
"Alright Jill, let's organize these books!" I look down to my little sister, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Let's do this!" She practically screeched. I smile and pat her head. I start over to the shelves with books on basic runes and Wiccan books for starters. My hand gently drags across the spines of the books until I come across one that's out of place. "Healing crystals? This should go with the third bookshelf. How did it get over here?" I tug it gingerly out of its place and bring it to its rightful home. "There you go." I say, giving it a pat to make sure it's in place. I jump practically three feet in the air when I hear a large BOOM behind me. I slowly crane my neck to the side and see Jill buried underneath a mountain of books, with a glowing sigil next to the pile. "Jill?! What's that?! Since when did we have a fridging portal in our library?!" I say panicked and confused. Jill groans and drags herself out, then looks next to her at the marks illuminating the floor. Her eyes widen with panic and she runs to my side to hide. I move slowly and cautiously towards the sigil, as though it were a rabid animal. Slowly, I reach out to touch it, and feel an immense force drag me and my little sister towards it. "Ahhh!!!" We scream in unison as a hole appearing to be made up of a small galaxy appears and sucks us in. I screw my eyes shut and anticipate for some sort of pain, when a little bit after the continuous sound of whooshing I hear murmuring and whispering. I open my eyes to see a group of people surrounding us. I jump up and take a defensive position, dragging my sister up with me, hiding her behind me protectively. My eyes dart around wildly, never stopping for too long. I suddenly hear an elderly mans' voice say, "Move aside please! I must get through! Please, move!" Eventually, after about 5 minutes I see the owner of the voice emerge. It's an elderly man in an orange robe with a gray beard and mustache reaching the lengths of his biceps. "Who are you? What do you want with us?" I say cautiously, squinting at him in suspicion. "Why, I am Edgar, and I am your witchery mentor!" He says gleefully, eyes glimmering with excitement. I take a long pause, analyzing what he just said. "...... say what now?"

???'s POV~~~
The crystal balls' purplish, turquoise fog fills the sphere once again. I giggle a soft, chirpy giggle. "Hmmm~? Who's this? A new pawn for my chess board of destruction? How pleasing! I can't wait to meet you, my little pawn. Until then, here's a gift, hand-tailored." I stride over to the small well and chant and incantation, he runes etched into the wells' walls glowing a soft blue. With a wave of my hand, my little surprise is off to meet the little pawn. "Enjoy little pawn~" I giggle.

WOOT WOOT! GET HYPED PEOPLE I FINALLY GOT THIS IDEA OUT! I've had it in my head for a while now, but didn't have the time to write it. But now I finally have it started! I'm sorry it's kind of short. (I'm trying T~T) I'll work on making these longer in the future, until then, make sure to comment, save to your library, and share it with your friends. KEEP THE HYPE FRIGGIN GOING MY PEOPLE. *smashes through window* see ya!

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