Chapter 4: "Headmaster Got No Chill"

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Marcy, Jill, and Ian trudge up the polished marble steps of the school Maegerra, Institute of the Arcane. Stone griffins sit proudly at the front of the school, as if they're guarding a great treasure. Tapestries of purple and blue hang from the spires, proudly showing off the school's colors. The headmaster stands at the front of the building welcoming students, both old and new. Jill can barely contain her excitement, while Marcy's anxiety starts to set in. Ian holds a feeling of distaste as he climbs the steps for his second year.

Marcy's POV~~~
We finally make our way up the final steps and stop at the top. I look to Ian for guidance, and get a mere shrug. I take a deep breath and walk up to the headmaster with Romulus perched on my right shoulder. "-come! Welcome!" I hear the headmaster say in an upbeat tone as we draw closer to him. I notice he is dressed in purple robes, reminding me of Dumbledore. He looks to our group. "Well well well! What do we have here? Ian, it's a pleasure to see you!" "Likewise" he mumbles begrudgingly. He then diverts his attention to us. "And who are these lovely young ladies?" He asks no one in particular. He looks at me. "Ian! You never told me you had a girlfriend!" He exclaims suddenly. My face goes beet red, and I'm sure Ian's face is too. "H-headmaster!" Ian yells in surprise. The headmaster only chuckles warmly. He then turns to Jill. He crouched down to her level. "And what is this? A young witch? Are you ready to learn all about magic?" Jill's eyes sparkle with excitement. "YES!" She yells excitedly. The headmaster laughs knowingly. "Alright, alright. You'd be in elementary school, so you go to the left wing, alright?" Jill nods her head vigorously. "Okay mister!" She hugs me and runs off waving to Ian. "Byeeee!" She yells. The headmaster then turns to us. "Now then, you to go off to the right wing." Ian nods his head curtly. "Yes sir." He then grabs my wrist and walks swiftly, dragging me behind him.

Headmaster's POV~~~
"Ahh, young love. What I wouldn't give to be in my youth, chasing females, falling in love, falling out of it." He sighs wistfully.

Ian's POV~~~
I grab Marcy's wrist and walk away as fast as I can from the headmaster. I'm still trying to cool my brain down from his comment. I feel my face getting warm and shake my head, attempting to rid myself of the thought. "I-Ian! Slow down! I can barely keep up! And you're holding too tight!" I hear Marcy say behind me. I slow my march to a walk and loosen my grip, allowing her to pull away. "Sorry about that, the headmaster just really twists my ears sometimes, ya know?" I say apologetically. She nods in agreement. "Yeah, I understand." She looks around, her silver hair whipping slightly. "Umm, where to now?" I look around as well, until I see a pair of grand maple doors. I point to them. "In there, that's where the meeting hall is." I explain. We start over there and push them open slowly. Suddenly my wolf ears are hit with a wave of sound, so much so that I need to press them to my head. "Yooo, Ian! My man! How've you been?" I hear a male voice call out to me. I look around until I see my vampire friend Kyran Bloodreign. He's my best friend, even though he's almost the highest up on the school hierarchy list, his father being one of the schools main donators and all that. He owns a blood bank ironically enough. "And who's this lovely dame?" Kyran asks. He grabs Marcy's hand and winks at her. She gives him a blank stare and pulls away curtly. "No thanks playboy." She says, clearly uninterested. Kyran sweat drops, but shakes it off, flashing his million dollar smile. "You say that now, but just you wait, you'll e falling for me in no time!" He proclaims confidently. "Uh huh." She replies dryly. He looks like he was about to reply when three cackles were heard. "And who's this bimbo?" I heard one voice say. We turn our heads to see three girls I wished I hadn't seen. The Goodwill sisters. Mary Goodwill, the eldest, Becca Goodwill, the second eldest, and Tracy Goodwill, the youngest. Mary speaks up again. "Hah, witch wannabe. With your raven familiar and goth style." She scoffs, her white Persian almost seemingly to scoff as well. Romulus squawks at the overweight cat, sending it jumping into Mary's arms. I growl at them while Kyran hisses, causing them to send us dirty looks and scowls. "Whatever." Becca says indifferently. They walk off, swinging their hips in an exaggerated way. "Who spit in their breakfast?" Marcy asks. Me and Kyran laugh at her comment. "They're just really spoiled." I explain. Marcy scrunched up her nose in a sense of distaste. "I had girls like that at my school. I was kind of hoping there wouldn't be any here, but I guess not." I laugh wholeheartedly. "Yeah, I don't think there's any escaping those people." I chuckle. Marcy smiles at me happily, a bright smile that could light up a room. My eyes widen fraction, and I could've sworn my heart missed a beat, but it was beating normally, so I brushed it off. 'What was that?' I wondered to myself as we started the long walk to our first class.

I FINISHED THE...*counts on fingers*... FOURTH CHAPTERRRRR!!!! I hope you enjoyed it, I'm actually kind of happy with it. Also, headmaster got no chill. XD. Anywhoooo, don't forget to comment, save to library, and share with your friends. Dolly, OUT! PEACE!!!!

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