Chapter 5: "The Sneak Attack"

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The sound of a large bell rings throughout the school, almost seeming to shake the walls with its baritone tone. The sound of hundreds of students through the halls mixes with it. Marcy, Ian, and Kyran make their way together to the mess hall. The grand maple doors creak open, groaning loudly as the flood of students from the elementary and secondary classes spill in. The group is reunited with Jill and they join the crowded line for food.

"So what's good here?" I ask as Jill bounces on her heels with LoLo perched on her head. Romulus squawks I  agreement with my statement. Ian scratches an invisible beard in a show of thinking. "Well, the soup is pretty good." He says as Kyran agrees with him. "What's in it?" Jill asks, curious. "I think it has chupacabra in it." Me and Jill scrunch up our noses in distaste. "What's wrong?" Kyran asks. "We get stomach-aches whenever we eat meat." I explain. Ian and Kyran's faces show looks of surprise. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" Ian exclaim apologetically. I giggle at his actions. "It's fine! There's no way you could've known anyways." He nods, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, you're right. I was being kind of silly." He says bashfully.

-=+=- TimeSkip-=+=-

Still Marcy's POV~~~
We sat down at a table next to a large arched window. Our trays clanked against the wooden table as we sat down in the cushioned red seats. Jill was rambling on about a craft they were doing in class and Kyran was calling me names like Princess and M'lady and other weird crap. "Kyran, listen, you're cool, but please, shut up. I'm trying to eat." I say in an exasperated tone. I can see Ian trying, and failing, to stifle a laugh while Kyran puts a hand over his heart. "But Princess! I thought we had something special!" He exclaims in a mock hurt tone. "Yeah yeah yeah, well this Princess is gonna bite your head off if she doesn't get some food in her system." Kyran finally stops, but still has a goofy smile on. We then hear a gagging sound. We turn our heads to see the Goodwill sisters. Ian explained who they were to me on the way to class, and I did not like what I heard. I pulled Jill closer to me out of instinct. "What, scared of us?" Tracy snickers. I smirk at her. "No, I just don't want your personality rubbing off my sister." I shoot back. "OOOHHHH!!!" Ian yells behind me. The sisters sneer at us and walk off. "Don't stand too close to the heater girls! Plastic melts!" I yell after them. We all laugh and chat while eating till the bell tolls.

-=+=- TimeSkip-=+=-

Still Marcy's POV~~~
The final bell tolled as the teacher reminded us to do our homework. Apparently we need to do a basic run charm on a plant. I don't know. I walk down the hall to my locker. I'm number 333. I close the door and prepare to walk to the meeting point when I was slammed against the locker door. I look up to see none other than the Goodwill sisters. "Well well well, if it isn't the bimbo." They snarl at me. I'm not even busty, so their insult makes zero sense. "What do you want?" I sigh, rolling my eyes. They slam against the wall again. "Don't you give us attitude. We're the queens of this school. We can make your life miserable if we wanted to." They growl at me in unison. I laugh. "Oh that's rich. You think you're the queens of this school? I may be new here, but even I can tell you are widely disliked throughout the school." They kick me in the shins and upper-cut me in the stomach. "Shut up!" They hiss in unison at me. I then hear someone yelling my name and something else in anger. I look up to see Ian sprinting towards me, Kyran and Jill close behind, Jill with tears in her eyes.

Ian's POV~~~
Kyran, Jill, I all are standing underneath the giant oak tree. We established at lunch  that this would be the after school meeting place while we wait for Edgar to pick us up. "Where's my sister?" Jill asks in her high-pitched voice. "Maybe we should go check on her." Kyran suggests. I nod my head in agreement. We start walking towards the lockers when we hear slamming and voices. "-ell well, if it isn't the Bimbo?" I snarl. The Goodwill sisters. We start walking over, taunts being thrown between Marcy and the sisters, when suddenly they attacked her. They kicked her in the shins and punched her in the gut, both bound to bruise her pale skin. I start yelling her name and for the sisters to leave her alone, my legs running as fast as they could carry me. Marcy looks up at me in surprise, her brown, chocolatey eyes widening. A look of relief floods her eyes, making my stomach feel warm. I shake the feeling from me and body slam the sisters away. I see Jill run up to Marcy and hug her, causing them to fall down. Marcy laughs and assures her she's alright. I turn back to the sisters, snarling. "If you EVER hurt Marcy or any of my friends again, I won't be so merciful." They nod their heads in unison as scramble away like the cowards they are. I dust myself off and walk back over to the group. "Are you okay Marcy?" I ask, concerned. She just smiles and waves it off. "Oh yeah, I'm fine! I dealt with wayyyy worse back at our old school." She reassures me, though it doesn't do much good. We walk back to the tree, where we see Kyran's father. I jab Kyran in the stomach with my elbow. "Duty calls." I tease. He rolls his eyes, grinning. "Yeah yeah." He turns to Marcy and grabs her hand, winking. "Till tomorrow M'lady." He purrs. Marcy just deadpans and pulls her hand away. "Mm hmm." She says dryly. We laugh at his failed attempt and wave goodbye as Edgar approaches us. "See you tomorrow!" We all yell to Kyran. He waves back and we go our separate ways.

-=+=- TimeSkip -=+=-

Marcy's POV~~~
Edgar give me a shocked look as I tell him what happened after school. "I see. Well that just won't do now will it?" Edgar says. We all look at each other. I look back at him. "Sorry to cause all this trouble." I say apologetically. Edgar shakes his head. "No no no! You have nothing to be sorry about! It's those Geesewill sisters that should apologize!" He exclaims. We all laugh. "It's Goodwill, Edgar." I laugh. Edgar gives me a wide grin. "No no, I'm sure you said Geesewill. Or maybe Goodtrash." He says smiling. Our bodies shake with laughter, and Ian falls onto the floor from laughing so hard. After we calmed down, Edgar served us sandwiches and chips for dinner. We talk and laugh while we eat, almost like a real family. Then me and Jill go wash up for bed, getting on our jammies. I come out in my purple and black bat pajamas to see Edgar in his bright orange pajamas with a matching night cap, Jill in her frilly pink nightgown, and Ian in his blue pajama trousers. We all bid each other goodnight and go off to our respective rooms. As I lay down in my bed under the covers, I think about what has happened so far. "You know, we have a more loving family here than we ever had back home." I ponder. I sigh happily and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Edgar's POV~~~
I close Marcy's door, smiling softly. "I hope you stay with us too Marcy. You and Jill both. That is my greatest wish."

WOOOO DOUBLE CHAPTERSSSSSS!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed. I tried to make it longer, so I hope it seems like it is. I probably won't post a chapter tomorrow though because I have my last normal bowling game tomorrow before the WAC tournament and sectionals, so wish me luck. Dolly, OUT! PEACEEEE!!!!

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