sleeveless shirts

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"You are seriously wearing that?" Emmett asked as Lianna walked down the stairs of their house. Sh furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her outfit, her black ripped skinny jeans, along with her white converses and her Metallica sleeveless band shirt. 

"What's wrong with this?" She asked and lifted her arms up letting them fall back down to her sides after a second. Emmett shook his head and made a weird face.

"Okayyy?" Lianna said and followed after Edward who ran using his speed to Bella's house.When they arrived Bella and Jacob were outside waiting for the duo.

"Finally." Jacob mumbled and rolled his eyes, looking from Edward to his imprint. Lianna looked back at Jacob and smiled at him, him doing the same. 

"Like your shirt." Jacob said when he walked towards her, Lianna blushed cherry red and bit her lip whilst the smile still on her face. "I like yours too." She said and pulled on it slightly making Jacob laugh slightly at the girl.

"But you have a job to do." She said and patted his chest, making him groan in annoyance about going into Bella's house finding the scent and all.

"Go." Lianna said and pushed him slightly, making Jacob pout, but before he went into the house he kissed Lianna's cheek making her blush even more. 

Edward looked at his little sister with disgust on his face. Lianna looked back at him and lifted her eyebrows her face going to neutral when her gaze locked onto his.

"Yeah, as if you're not worse." She said and crossed her arms over her chest and smirked when Edward's disgust face disappeared and he looked at her with neutral face also. 

The Cullen siblings stood outside Bella's house waiting for the two to come out giving them the news. Jacob slammed the door shut behind himself and followed the steps down after Bella, towards Edward and Lianna.

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind." Jacob told Edward, making Lianna smile slightly at his use of words towards the intruder. 

"It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again." Jacob continued and glared at Edward who was doing the same at Jacob. "We'll handle it from here." Jacob said making Lianna take small step towards Jacob, feeling his anger radiating.

"We don't need you to handle anything, or anyone." Edward shot back at Jacob making Lianna take another step towards Jacob, him noticing what she was doing.

"I could care less what you need." Jacob said Lianna now in front of him putting her hand out, feeling him start to heat up from the anger.

"All right, we're done here." Edward said and shook his head about to turn around to go home with Bella. Jacob took one step forwards making Lianna plant her feet on the ground and put her hands on her imprints chest, whilst he towered over her.

"No, you're done here." Jacob growled at him making Lianna look up at him, with slightly wide eyes. "Stop." She said in a calm tone whilst Bella yelled it, making Edward look at Bella and Jacob look down at his imprint.

"I'm tired of this. From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?" Bella said angrily looking from Edward to Jacob but Jacob paid no attention to the girl, but his attention was locked onto his mate.

"Walk with me." Lianna said and took an hold of Jacob's hand pulling him towards the forest, wanting him to calm down so he wouldn't run back and rip Edward into pieces.

The night came faster than normal, or at least it felt like it. Lianna was on watch with Emmett and Alice, when suddenly two large wolves walked form the forest. 

As the three Cullen's turned to look at them they backed away slowly giving them space and the visual of the Swan resident. As Lianna looked between the two wolves she didn't feel scared, she felt save.

She felt even safer when she looked at the russet colored wolf, whose gaze was locked onto her. She nodded her head at Jacob and smiled at him.

"Lianna, come on." Alice said and walked past the wolves. Lianna followed after her sister and as she went past Jacob she kissed his cheek and ran her hand through his fur.

Jacob's gaze was locked onto her as she walked away from him. Stealing one last glance of Jacob, Lianna sprinted into the woods going to hunt with her sister and her brother.

They quickly caught few rabbits and a deer, and they were fine again. The three headed home knowing well enough that Carlisle and Rosalie and taken over the wolves spot already.

The three silently got home not banging any doors shut or running into things or using their speed. They calmly walked up the stairs into their room and closed their doors behind them with a silent wish of good night. 

Lianna threw her jacket to the back of her chair on her desk and took her converses off and as she was about to take her shirt off and whistle was heard making her look towards her window with furrowed eyebrows when an pebble hit it.

She walked towards and slid the door open to her balcony and looked down seeing Jacob stand there about to throw another pebble at her now rather than her window.

"Jacob?" She asked and furrowed her brows even more making the boy look at her whilst smiling. "Look out, I'm coming up." He said and took few steps back running up and jumping onto her balcony.

Jacob smirked at the girl who crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at him for being impressive. 

"Nice." She said and turned around going into her room, Jacob not far behind her. He closed the door behind him and looked around Lianna's room. 

Pictures off of her family hung on her white walls, few posters here and there, with polaroid pictures of the nature and something nice and small.

"Nice." Jacob said and smiled towards the girl who looked at him whilst leaning onto her table. Jacob walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, whilst she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How was it?" She asked making Jacob groan and hide his face into her neck whilst she giggled. "That bad, huh?" She asked again and ran her nails on the back of his neck softly.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Jacob suddenly mumbled into her neck. "I'm too tired to go home, I mean I can just go home if you don't wan-" Jacob was cut of by Lianna. 

"You can stay here for tonight." She said making Jacobs smile into his imprints neck and lift her up quickly making her let out an squeal from surprise.

Jacob landed onto Lianna's bed her landing on top of him letting out an 'oof' and then giggling as Jacob had his eyes already closed and was almost asleep.

"Ima change real quick." She said and got up from bed and ran to her walk in closet searching for an oversized t-shirt, eventually finding it and changing into it.

She sped into her bed and curled up against Jacob who wrapped his arm around her and pulled her even closer to her, kissing her forehead.

"Night." Jacob said making Lianna smile and hide her face into his neck, the same way he had done not long ago. "Night." She said both of them falling asleep, after the long day of guarding.

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