{Letter Eight : Dylan Flores}

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Dear Gwen Clarkson

I'm glad you love my gifts but am even more glad that you forgive. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this letter let alone to go into to English class. Tell your mom I greet her back and I'll send her more chocolate.

How about we restart our introduction by play 20 questions, actually let's make it only five. I'll start

What's you favorite thing to do? I love watching movies. While we still talking about movies. What's you favorite movies? Mine is Betman vs Superman. I just can't stop loving it.

If you had one person to meet, who would you meet? I would say Shalden Cooper from the big bang theory. I want to know if his really as funny as they make him seem on the show.

What is the one thing (not person) you could never live without. I would say my living room, only because my TV is in there. If I could, I'd go anywhere with that thing, and when I say anywhere I really mean anywhere. (Even the bathroom)

Of all the places in the world, where would you love to go the most? I say southern Africa? I want to take pictures of the place and post them all over social media to educate people that it's not as bad as they make it seem in movies and stuff.



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