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( Okay, this may be the last one until tomorrow! I am a bad human for making this....)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ANGST WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was another day to go out and get his favourite drink.
It was really easy, or so he thought.

The Frenchman thought he could swerve to the nearest store and grab a nice bottle of Pink Moscato. (because he is fancy that way!) His hair was put into a messy bun and he rushed past the handsome man who was selling the wine.

"Hello mon cher! I would like this, please!" The male eagerly purchases the bottle as he steals a glance at the obviously younger male who id's him. The man had a hot body, as seen through the Frenchman's eyes. Lafayette hummed quietly and thought immediately he needed to get the boy out of the hell called a minimum wage job.

"Um... hello? M-Mister Gilbert? Did you want your wine?" The man behind the counter held out the plastic card that had the older man's information on it. The shorter man nodded and grabbed the bottle. "Thank you, mon cher! Would you like to join me?" the taller man winked, earning a deep blush from the shorter boy.

"I--I uh can't... I have a.. uh.." the boy struggled to find the answer, pulling out his phone to check the time. "I still have six hours of work left." the man tried retreating backwards, hitting his head on the shelf behind him. Lafayette just chuckled and picked up the man. "Do you know what you have done to me, exactly?" The man proceeded to carry Aaron into the bathroom, ignoring the pleas from the aforementioned man.

"Sir... you can't have the merchandise in the baIIIII-" a feeling of pure pain emerged in Aaron as Gilbert took a deep bite to his skin, getting rid of the male's shirt. "Oh mon cher, I forgot... " Gilbert set down the wine to the side, locking the both of them in the biggest stall. " I know you want this, mon amour. I saw the glint in your eyes when you were id'ing me." the Frenchman leaned the smaller male against the wall, pressing small kisses down the beautiful clump of skin.

Aaron tried to pry the man off, which earned the other a harsh bite to the piece of skin Gilbert was exploring. "p-please don't hurt me...." this was enough to have Gilbert pull back, putting his hands over his mouth. the Frenchman has done it again. Lafayette started to cry.

"Mon cher,, I am so so so sorry... I'm sorry.." he kept repeating, storming out of the bathroom, completely leaving his bottle of wine to rot with the small male. Aaron looked at the door that was flown open, in shock. a small tear he didn't know was there falls from his face.  

(So... that was my version of angst... It kind of sucks rereading it, but tell me your opinions! Talk to you soon!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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