Stay with Me

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I sigh from being in the car for too long with my annoying little brother, who's finally asleep from pestering me all along the way. He kept asking me " Are we there yet? How much longer till we get there? Why did I have sit beside you?" that last question was all I thought about along the way. I look out the car window seeing nothing but black and the outline of the forest, it seems creepier at night. But, I guess in the dark, anything seems scary.

 I continue to stare out in the forest looking really at nothing, but start to have this feeling of wanting to run out of the car. Its like I need to look for something that needs to be found and  if I don't find this thing something horrible will happen. This feeling of dread or loss is swept onto me, that I feel like I've submerged in water and I can't breath.  I realize this feeling won't go away, so I close my eyes and hope for it all to end.

I grab the handle to the door and pull the door open, everything is moving so fast it's a blur. I unbuckle my seat belt and jump. I void out my parents screams and start running for dear life, my feet are leading me somewhere I know nothing about, but I keep going. I see a small light in front of me; I start running faster than is humanly possible. I look down at my feet and see there is a brownish hair growing all around them and spreading up my body. My body starts to  bend and twist in all places and is causing horrible pain, I want to just stop and pass out. I look forward, again, and see the light coming closer to me now ,like it senses my pain and wants to help. I see the outline of a person coming closer-

Hearing a car door pull me back to reality and makes think of what just happend. "Where did I go? Why was I doing all those things? What happened?"  My brain is running on over drive trying to figure all this out while my parents are unloading the car with our belongings. I walk around to the back of the car and hear my parents talking. "What do you think of the house Emma? Do you like it better than our old one?" my mother asks me. 

I turn around and see a blank space, but then, as the mystic moonlight sheds its light I see that it is a house, more importantly, our house.The house is huge in comparison to our old home, the house looks like one of those that was built in Southern states around the Civil War era. It has a long front deck  with large pillars that hold another deck above it, the house is painted white but you could tell it had been worn down from over the years. Along the sides of the house I saw ivy growing up the walls with a purple flower growing along the vines. I noticed that the house looked out of place with it being surrounded by the dark forest, but it looked mystical or beautiful placed there.

I turned back to my mother and saw that if she doesn't get to bed pretty soon, she would fall asleep on the ground here. "I think the house looks nice,mom; a little big, but nice." To be honest I thought it was way too big for us but I would never tell my mom that.

"Don't worry dear; there are plenty of rooms we can fill. Maybe a art room for you?" my mother suggested

"I don't know m-" before I could reply to mom, my dad interjects, having bad timinf as usual.

"Dear where are the bathrooms again? I can't remember."

I just shake my head and see my mom looked aggravated, but hiding a smile. I grab some of my bags from the back of the car and head towards the front door. I turn the handle and step into different time; in front of me I see two sets of steps,spread like wings, that go up to the second level of the house. To the left is the dinning room and the living room, there are sheets covering some of the furniture that was behind ,I guess, from the previous owners. I head up the steps and go one of the hallways to find a room, or more pick a room. I go down the opposite hallway and head to the last door.

When I open the door I am in utter shock. I haven't even seen the whole room, yet and I absolutely love it, it is painted in plum purple and has a intricate design along the walls. The design has lines painted in different sizes and the curve and intersect in one place, on the ceiling. There are feathers connected to the lines along with large flowers; the bed is on the far wall with a night stand beside it. The closet is on the opposite side of the room and is next to a set of double doors. I drop my bags and start arranging my room how I want it to look.

Later, during the night, I am given the option of grabbing other bags or helping my mom. When I finished, I jump on my bed and start to relax, I look over at the double doors and is intrigued to see what is behind them. I walk over and turn the handles to open the doors. I walk out to see it is a hidden balcony. I didn't notice it when I first saw the house, but it is very beautiful. I look out at the forest and I am so calm and in peace. I listen to all sounds the forest is making from the buzzing of bugs to the crackling of stems- broken by some small animals. I smile; thinking of what else is out there. Before I thought the forest was dangerous and scary, but it really is more beautiful at night than day.

As I head to bed, I leave my balcony doors open to listen to forest making all its natural sounds. When I  close my eyes I realize that the forest is really just starting to come alive.


Thank you ! To anyone who is reading this I appreciate taking to the time to read this story. I hope everyone will enjoy it and will stay along for the ride. (Well here is updated version of this chapter. I uploaded to first version last night and realized i didn't like it so much. Hope everyone like this version better.) Keep looking out for updates on Stay with Me.

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