A Surprise Visit

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Come on Tomas, before the demon kills everyone at the police station" I hear Marcus grumble, shaking my head I pick up my bag and that's when A knock at the door sounded making us jump.

   That sounds like my nephews knock but how, he and his mother are back in Chicago, there's no way that they are here.

   From the corner of my eye I notice Mouse immediately grab her gun but I put my hand up, and see the ring Marcus gave me, the embroidery beautiful and perfect, the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten, and it really isn't the ring it's more the revelation that Marcus loved me.

  "Are you alright" I hear Mouse say "you just stopped, what's going on?"

   Snapping out of it "I know that knock" I say and go to the door and open it and sure enough it's my nephew Luis, but he's not alone, my sister Olivia, and Andy's kids, all five of them, there is no way they'd know each other, this must be a demonic vision or something.

  "What are you lot doing here, I hear Marcus say behind me

  I relax glad that the others see them and this isn't just some head game by the demons. 

  "It's Rose, someone's taken her"  Olivia says ushering the kids inside and closing the door behind her.

  "What's going on Olivia?" I ask and she gives me the look and I sit down knowing she'll explain in time.


   I watch as Verity, Truck, Shelby, Caleb, and Harper sit down on the edge of the bed,  And Luis sits next to Tomas.

  "That's a pretty cross " Harper chimes in like nothing is going on.

   "Thanks it was a Christmas gift" I say as I feel my face heating up.

   "What's going on Olivia?" I hear Tomas say glad for the interruption as I could see in her eyes she was going ask "from who?" And I really didn't feel like going into all that right now.

   "We we're all sitting in the living room when three men who looked liked priests came in, and pulled guns and she pushed us into the back rooms and locked them, after some argument between them, there was scuffling then silence and when we came out she was gone" Olivia says choking up and grabbing a napkin from her purse "I  knew we wouldn't be safe there so I brought them to this hotel and when I saw your truck I just had to see if it was really you. She says barely containing it now.

  Mouse sits her down and gently rubs her back.

  Olivia looks at her "are you traveling with my brother and Marcus?" She nods "are you romantic with one of them" she asked and I shift a little as I watch Mouse lean in and whisper something into Olivia's ear, I watch as Olivia's face turns red and she looks at me and than Tomas, a smile on her face.

"Mom and Rose know each other because moms company helps child services with legal stuff, and last week she called Mom and they talked for hours and than we came here, and over the last week they've gotten REALLY close" Luis chimes obviously reading the questioning look on me and his uncles face.

  "Their going to get married" Harper beams chiming in as well  "well once we find Mom" she says sniffling and Verity pulls her close.

   "We will find her ok" she says looking at me,

   "We will do everything in our power to get your mum back I promise"

   "You see their going save Mom" Verity says, Harper nods but continues to hold onto Verity

   "I'm glad your bird made it" I say to truck to see if I can help the lad who was starting to shake a little

    "Yeah, he's a strong guy" truck says sniffling himself

    " We will find your mum" I say and stand up and go sit next to Olivia

    "Did you happen to hear anything that was said, maybe a location on where they were going" I say softly and she shakes her head

    "They were speaking Latin I have no idea where they plan to take her. I don't even understand what's going on"

  I take a deep breath "The Vatican has been compromised by demons" I say and she looks at me.

   "It's true sister that's why I left to become an Exorcist to fight demons" Tomas says

   "Are they going kill her like they did Dad?" Caleb asks

My heart clenches as I think about what I had done, even though necessary I still took his life and now the demons were back for them, but why

  "No we won't let them" Tomas says,

   "I know we failed before but not again" I say in a low voice

   "Rose told me everything, you did all you could and in the end you did what you had to and what Andy wanted" Olivia says putting a hand in my leg.

  I nod but can still feel guilt toiling through me.

"Maybe her brother Julian Slink would know something about what the demons wanted" Shelby says 

   "They probably we're trying to get to us but it wouldn't hurt to look to talk to him, but first we should really get to the police station, I'm sorry we will be back soon" Tomas says standing

    "Wait, why are you going to the police station?" Olivia asks

   Standing up I put on my hat "an exorcism awaits us there" I say looking at her and all the kids hoping they'll be ok while we're gone

  "I've got things here, you go" she says putting her hand on my arm and smiling, I nod and kiss her cheek and with that we leave.

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