Different Paths

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Marcus's POV

  I couldn't help but smile as Tomas told his sister and the others the story about the Ranses, and Louis sitting at the edge of the bed eager and enjoying the tale, his mother on the other hand looked pale.

   Looking over at the faces of Roses children and seeing the haunting look on their faces made my heart sink. They had been through so much and now they have lost another parent, but this time I don't plan to let them down and will find her.

   "Tell them

About how you met our mom, We want to hear the story again"  Harper pipes off cutting off Tomas.

  I watch as they all turn to look at her

   "Of course I will continue this tale with my sister later" Tomas says seeing the looks on the kids faces, I hold back a chuckle as Louis makes a face.

  "You can also hear it" Tomas assures him before turning to his sister "well" he says and sighing Olivia  says "the company i works for deals with the legal part of the adoptions, and a few years back Rose had come to Chicago to talk directly to our boss about making sure a child got out of an abusive home, and well I was kind of picked to show her around Chicago, and after a night of sight seeing we went for a couple of drinks and had a one night fling, but stayed close and connected afterwards, and after After the incident with Andy she asked if I could come live with her while the kids got situated, and when we got there I guess the spark reunited" she says her face growing hot.

  "Are they going take us away?" Truck asks out of the blue

   "No and to be honest I don't plan to report it because I'm not going give them any reason to try, you kids have been through enough" Olivia says taking his hand.

   "The Ortega's Good hearts are endless" I say pulling Tomas close to me.

    "Their willingness to break the law for what's right is also inspiring" Mouse says, I look at her and smile

     "That's where it ends Keane I don't find you inspiring at all" she says looking away from me.

   I sigh and take comfort in Tomas's hand in mine, as the guilt for leaving builds up again.

   "I'm going take my leave now" Mouse says grabbing her bag

    "Wait don't go" Tomas says getting up

    I watch as she walks over to him and clasps his arms

    "We will meet again young cub but I have a possessed girl to find and you have a mission of your own" she says patting his pocket, she leans in and whispers something I can't hear. And then turns to me

    "Take care of him Marcus" she says than turn to Olivia and the kids

     "After I find her I will find Rose, but I feeling her brother will be here to help sooner or later."

    With that she heads out the door, I follow her out and watch as old style BMW pulls up "don't worry Old Lion I have a Scholar whose got connections that will help me find her" she says and to my surprise kisses my cheek before getting into the car, rolling down the window

    "By the way, I also have an old exorcist friend his name is Eric Rasher and he will be taking care of Bennet" and with no further explanation on what she's talking about they drive off, sighing I go back in side, saying a small prayer for her safety.

  I notice as I walk in the kids have already turned their attention to the television and Tomas and Olivia are talking quietly at the small table, not wanting to interrupt them I sit on the second bed but before I can get lost in my own thoughts

   "Marcus will you come tell my brother we will be alright" I hear Olivia say, smirking I get up and go over to them.

   "I guess Mouse told him a location to get to Middle Earth, middle earth mind you and my block headed brother isn't doing what most people would be doing and running out the door like a kid on Christmas, no he's sitting here being stubborn.

   'How does she know so much' I think to myself but file those thoughts away for a later time and look at Tomas

    "I'm not changing my mind, until we can think of somewhere safe I'm not leaving" he says crossing his arms defiantly

     "I know why don't you come with us" I say and now have both of them looking at me like I'm crazy.

     "It's would be good..

Before I can finish my thought I knock at the door sounds and we all tense up.

    "Oh move it I'll get it" Olivia says huffing and opens the door before me or Tomas can stop her.

      "The three gentleman and the lady at the door say they know you Marcus" Olivia calls over like there's nothing in the world to fear going to the door I see the faces of four exorcists I met when I went to Japan one time, after looking into each of their eyes making sure they weren't compromised.

   "Yes these are fellow exorcists from Japan" I saw and me and Olivia move out of the way to let them through.

    Tomas, Olivia and children meet: Yukio Okumaru", I say indicating the tall man in black clothing and glasses, "his wife Shiemi Okumaru" a pretty petite girl in a Japanese kimono, but not to underestimated "Ryuji Suguro" a tall man with black pointy hair accept for one blond streak "and his husband and Yukios twin brother  Rin Suguro" I say indicating a a tall guy with black hair a tail and a sword on his back.

  There's silence in the room

    "It's nice to meet all of you" Tomas finally says offering a bow and bow back.

     "As it is you, Marcus has said a lot about you in his texts" Yukio says making me blush

     "Anyway we came to help anyway we can" he continues

     I look from them to Olivia to Tomas to the Kids "would you mind protecting this lot well we go do what we need" I ask

    "Not at all" Yukio says and I notice him hit his brothers arm before he can protest and Olivia roll her eyes.

    "Thank you" Tomas says as he goes and gets his bag

     "Your leaving already Uncle Tomas" Louis says

  I frown at the sadness in both Tomas's eyes and the boys, and I go over and kneel in front of him

   "Don't be upset with your uncle, he has to save the world. we will be back before you know it, and we plan to bring you each back something from Middle Earth" and at that sadness turned to wide eyed wonder and he hugs me.

    "Take care of him please" he whispers "of course" I whisper back

    "And I will take good care of him" Tomas says laying a hand on my shoulder

    "That's a good thing he gets into more trouble than me" Rin says laughing. I have the mindset to flip him off but I don't, and make the rounds hugging each of the kids. And to my surprise it wasn't Harper that was hard to get to let go it was Verity "please come back" she says sniffling "I can't take more loss"

   My heart sinks at her words "We will I promise and your mum will be saved" I say giving her a peck on the cheek, letting her hold me until she was ready to let go, and when she finally does I give her my best smile and go to Olivia and hug her.

   "Be safe" she says hugging me

   "You too" I say and with that we both take a look around the hotel room and leave. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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