A New Burden

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   Tomas's POV:

"I feel bad that we just left like that.. " I say as we all three crowd into the cabin of the truck

"I mean my sisters in there with kids I didn't even know she knew, who just lost their father and now their mother is missing.." I continue as I feel Marcus gently put his hand on my arm

  "When we get back we will figure all that out but for now we need to find that girl and find out if she is possessed or not" he says as Mouse starts up the truck and begins our journey to the station, I nod though leaving them behind alone still seemed wrong to me.

  The rest of the trip was in silence, accept for the occasional swearing of Mouse as people cut in front of her.

   "Are you both ready for this" Marcus says as Mouse pulls into a space at the police station.

   "The question is are you two ready?" Mouse says and starts getting out of the truck. I sigh, and start opening the door when I feel Marcus's hand on mine.

    "Everything will be alright" he says and gently kisses my cheek that sends electricity through out my entire body followed by a warm feeling, turning to him I nod and give him a quick kiss on the lips and get out ignoring his chuckle behind me as he got out of the truck and we both caught up with Mouse.

  The small town police department wasn't that busy, as we walk up to the visitors window my foot lands on something hard, stopping I move my foot and see a golden ring on the floor, a cold chill rises around me as I look at it, the same chill that I feel whenever I'm around a demon. I look up to tell the others but their busy talking to the front desk clerk, not acting like they feel a presence at all. .

   "Maybe I'm just nervous" I think and bend down to pick the ring up, I immediately know something isn't right, I can feel the darkness flood around me, as the ring pulsates in my hand, and the world around me goes silent.

    Everyone around me seems to have stopped, no noise no nothing, accept for the chanting of a a language I've never heard before: "Ash nazg durbatulûk, Ash Nazg gimbatatul

Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi Krimpatul" followed by a loud screech and a foreboding eye

   "May the lord in savior protect my soul" I whisper in Spanish.

    The fiery eye seems to chuckle and I start to feel the vibration of words, when I feel a hand on my shoulder and the eye and the black shadow disappear and the world starts moving again as I look into Marcus's blue eyes.

   "Are you alright?" He asks and all I can do is hold out the ring in a shaky hand, and watch as he does a quick silent prayer.

   "I heard that ring was real.."

   "No it can't be"

   "It is" he says and from the look In his eyes I knew he wasn't lying,

  "How" I ask trembling a little

  "I don't know but put that away, here wrap it In this" Marcus says unraveling his cross and throwing the cloth over the ring, I quickly wrap it and shove it into my pocket.

   "We will tell her don't worry" he says looking at me, already seeming to know what I was thinking before I did.

   "How about the girl? Is she here?"

   "No, I guess some government agents came and took her, something called S.H.I.E.L.D"

   "Its an agency that deals with extraterrestrial things" Mouse says coming over to us

   "Don't ask, but if they have her it will be hard to get a good look at her, they probably think she's mind controlled their so ignorant" she hisses and stops and looks at me

   "What is that demonic darkness I'm  feeling from you?" She says reaching for her gun. I tense up as Marcus puts his hand on her arm. And whispers in her ear. I watch as her eyes go wide and she turns to look at me.

  "It seems god's chosen isn't your only role young cub, it looks like you also carry the burden of the ring bearer unless.... This war... demons... and Sauron.. it can't be.." she says going pale, a look of dread I've never seen on her face flashes by. "I don't know how but we must get you to middle earth" she says so seriously I know not to take it as a joke.   

  "We should get back to Olivia and the others" I say and am glad when neither one offers up a counter.

  Once again the ride was quiet, not even Mouse said or cursed at all the whole way back, My pocket felt heavy, like a battle of Good and evil was going on in my pocket.

   "Why do these things keep happening to us?" I ask out loud startling the silence and the other two.

   "Because it's never clean or easy when your god's chosen.. or so I've heard atleast" Mouse says

   "We are all god's chosen" I say and get nothing in reply but I don't miss the smile that plays across her face.

   As we pull into the spot infront of the hotel room , I look sheepishly at Mouse. She grins like a cat

   "Don't do anything to provocative, there's

children who can see you from the window" she says with a wink and gets out and goes inside my face hot with embarrassment.

   "No need to get embarrassed" Marcus says putting his arm around me and pulling me close.

   Being close to him and smelling his scent calms me immensely making me forget about everything going on and my shyness of showing intimacy.

   "I know it's been a non stop hard ride, and to be honest it will probably get worse before it gets better but just know that you will never have to face it alone, I will always be by your side" he says stroking my hair with his thumb.

Looking over at him, I reach over and clasp my hand around his cross

  "Than I know I will be fine, with you and god at my side" I say and kiss him passionately, not fighting as he pulls me onto his lap.

   I could feel both our bodies reacting as we deepen the kiss. At first I don't stop him as he begins to undo my shirt but then mouses words about the kids come into my mind and I put my hand over his. And reluctantly pull back from the kiss

   "Later" I say and kiss him again

    "Damn right I'm getting us our own room" he says and I can't help but chuckle and nod.

    "Are you two ever coming in" I hear Olivia say and turn and watch as she walks up the window.

    "As much as I love watching you two make out, we have a lot of things to go over I believe" she says with a sly grin, and a wink before going back inside.

   I hide my face in Marcus's shirt, trying to hide my red face.

   "Never feel the need to hide from me" Marcus says tilting up my face and giving me a quick kiss

   "Now we have two hot blooded hens waiting for us we better go before they kill us" Marcus says chuckling and playfully slap him on the shoulder, glad he didn't realize a little of that was anger at Olivia for bothering us, but she's right there's a lot to talk about and a lot to figure out. Sighing I open the car door, and hesitantly get out leaving the comfort of the world that just has me and Marcus in it to the world that needs us. I try to hide the dread, though as Marcus's hand it calms me immensely, and we go into the hotel room hand in hand.

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