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Dinner time was coming around. Elliot wanted to go out for Chinese or Korean BBQ.

"I've always been eating carbs. Time to change it up." Elliot says shrugging on his jacket.

Xavier headed out, probably having a drink at a bar or something. He likes to party when he has the time, something I never thought he'd do. Apparently he views life as one big roller coaster ride, and he's always carefree, but I know that he's pretty vulnerable on the inside.

I walk up behind Elliot and wrap my arms around him. He turns his head and kisses me like it's the most natural thing in the world.

I kiss him back, but I glance at the doorway. Once we are outside, there's no going back. I can't walk a distance away from him like I did before, and I only did that so people didn't make assumptions. I called him...I asked him to come and he did because he loved me.
He's taken so many steps ahead of me.
He knows that he shouldn't pity me, he's waiting for me to make the step for myself. It's because he knows everything. Of course he does.

I pull back, and Elliot senses my tension.

"You okay?" He asks concerned.

I swallow. "Yeah."

Elliot takes my hand, then slowly raises it up in question.

"This okay?" He asks.

I pause a beat. "Yes."

Then we head out hand in hand.


We talked nonstop with each other. Catching up on the years, and how everything has turned out so far. Elliot chose Chinese food, so we walked to a restaurant a few blocks away.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying the college experience. Roommates and sports and dances." Elliot says twirling his straw in his glass of water.

I pause. "You said that you didn't go to college..."

"I don't." Elliot confirms, watching me carefully. "Well. Not anymore. I graduated early. I majored in physics."

I gape at him. He smirks.

"I had to do everything online though. So...not great. But it's over with. I work as a barista at a cafe, and it's close to where I live."

"You don't live with Rory?"

"I do." Elliot blushes, then he flags down a waitress, asking for the check.

He looks back at me, his fingers drumming nervously on the table. "You mind if I crash at your place? I can take the floor. I haven't really booked a hotel since I was kinda crazed when you asked me to come. I just packed and flew over. But I can book a hotel probably and meet you back on campus—"

"You idiot." I muse. "Stay over. You know I want you to."

Elliot rolls his eyes. "Just checking. I was being courteous."

I smile, and it's been a while since I've been so carefree.

I intertwine my legs with his.


We walk back towards campus, and Elliot leans against me, tired. We're the same height, so he comfortably rests his head against my own.

"Do you still play soccer?" I ask then. It was a stupid question, considering Elliot had a job.

Elliot perks up though, and his eyes are excited. "Show me your field."

We walk to the soccer fields then. Our shoes sink into the turf, and Elliot looks around, his arm still hooked through mine.

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