Living with the Slob

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This story takes place in a college dorm with two girls in their freshman year at the university. One girl is very organized and on top of things, while the other is the exact opposite. She is very messy and doesn't think about little things.

The neat girl first walks into their bathroom. There are clothes all over the floor and from the expression on the girl's face its very obvious that they don't belong to her. She ventures further into the bathroom, and shuts the door to reveal the mirror covered in smeared makeup. She gets an exasperated look on her face as she continues to scan the bathroom, finding soap on the counter, shampoo bottles all over the shower, toothpaste in the sink, and a soaked shower curtain. With a groan and a long sigh, she starts picking things up and quickly cleans the bathroom so she can take a shower.

The next scene, she's in the kitchen in her PJ's because her roommate was locked in their shared bedroom after her shower so she went to eat breakfast. When she gets there, she decides to make some eggs for breakfast, only to find that all of them are gone. She sighs and grabs a box of cereal from the cabinet instead. She goes to get a bowl for her cereal only to find that they are all in the sink, so she groans before grabbing one and to wash it. She pours her cereal into her newly washed bowl and grabs her milk out of the fridge. She pours the milk into her bowl but only a tiny amount comes out. With a sigh, she throws the empty carton away and grabs yogurt to eat it with instead. When she closes the fridge again, she looks at the door and sees a list on it from her roommate. She grabs it and at the top is a note from her roommate: "Would you please buy these things at the grocery store the next time you go, along with everything you normally get? All you get is healthy stuff and it's really annoying. I want to have junk food to snack on every once in a while." Without even looking at what's on it the neat girl throws it in the trash with the empty carton of milk.

Next scene she enters their shared bedroom, and walks to her closet to get her favorite outfit for the day, only to find that it's missing. She glances to the floor and sees the outfit sitting in a pile in the corner. With an annoyed glance at the other side of the room, she grabs a sweatshirt and jeans to wear. Then she goes to her desk to grab a pencil only to find that all of hers are missing and in their place is a sticky note with a message on it from her roommate: "Sorry! I was out of pencils so I borrowed some of yours! I'll give them back later!" She angrily grabs a pen instead and goes to grab her textbook off of her bookshelf, but halfway across the room she stubs her toe on something. She bends down to grab it, only to notice that it's her textbook she was about to grab. She looks around the rest of the floor, and sees that the rest of her textbooks are scattered on the floor and her bookshelf is completely empty. She picks up all of her books while attempting to contain her anger until she leaves the dorm.

Before she leaves, she grabs her laundry basket and yells out, "I'm gonna take my laundry down to the washers! See you later!" Before she can escape out the door, her roommate comes running, "Wait! Could you take mine with you? I would do mine, but I have some friends coming over so I really don't have time to right now." The neat girl looks her up and down, her roommate is wearing yet another one of her outfits. The neat girl walks up, slaps her, and says, "I'm not going to do laundry anymore, I am going to the counselor to get a new roommate. Better start packing, you're leaving this dorm."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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