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~Chapter 9~

It was cold, hard and uncomfortable. Pulling their weight up a pained groan left dry lips, their throat horse. This waking pain kept striking their mind and this numbing yet throbbing sensation toggled at their lower back and legs. As they tried to pull themselves up a sharp spike strikes low, their legs becoming jelly; melting on the floor.

Taking a quick breath they tried again, A disgruntled sound escaping as they managed to sit up, head laid back from exhaustion. Moving their body seemed almost... foreign? Copper lashes flickering open and closed they take steady breaths, focused on just trying to understand reality.

A cold breeze flew in, his body shuttering from the lack of warmth. Looking down in questioned, confused by the predicament, eyes bulge wide at their state of undress. (What the hell?) looking further he saw what seemed to be a black coat barley draped around his hips and pulled them up to cover himself, his hand brushing by a sticky substance.

Body completely stiff now, memories and sounds come to mind as his eyes slowly look down to now notice the dry cum all over his chest and lap. Face turning a bright red he looks for something to clean himself, dumbfounded by the situation he was currently in. (Did I seriously get fucked by A guy I barely know?) Was all he could think when he felt a hand gently move his hair.

Flinching at the cold touch he looks in the direction of the offending limb, feeling the palm caress his jaw and tip him up. There, in front of him, holding his face hostage was the man he knew as Al Wes, his red eyes staring straight into his own with a hint of interest. Feeling uncomfortable he tried to pull away when the hand tightened, then he released a growl. The sound was somewhat animalistic this time and it seemed to shock not only the man ahead but himself. Taking that moment he pulled away scooting to the far end of the cave. "I think you've done enough touching." He hissed unintentionally... But then again, he should be mad. The man promised to be gentle but was very rough and when he begged him to stop he refused. To top it all off, instead of at least taking out the sleeping bags they carried along, he threw a thin coat to cover his very abused body. He was fucked up inside and out, and the man was half to blame.

Another growl almost escaped his lips when he shook his head and the thoughts away, changing his minds process to focus on cleaning up and getting dressed instead. He was about to leave, using Al's coat to cover himself when he heard a deep laugh, his head twitching and eyes glaring at the other. "My my mister Kennedy... Didn't expect you to be so bitter when all you could do was moan out in ecstasy the entire exchange." The man commented, humor flashing in his voice, but not his eyes. Those red spheres glaring with a sadistic gleam.

Leon wanted to glare back but he felt sapped. (What I would kill for a drink.) He mildly complained to himself wishing to be in some sort of bar to drink away his 'sorrows' as Rebecca put it. But sadly he was here, with this Dick of a man.

Keeping his tongue-tied, he was ready to continue his walk when "you know your eyes are a beautiful violet? They seemed to flash red like mine when the virus alone was embedded... But it seemed our convergence caused the color to permanently seep in, altering the present hue with the new... Merging, quite nicely."

At this Kennedy stopped, everything frozen. His hand sunk to his bare stomach, halting there in horrified thought... He was now a mutant with god knows what alteration. The perk was he was conscious... But the con was that if and when he returned to base they were bound to notice, and when they did what would happen? What would he say?

Rapidly shaking his head from his shattering mind he briefly closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. And opened them again. "Good to know," he whispered, not turning back to glance at the other as he finally walked out.

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