Albert Wesker

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Vibrant amethyst stare into intense stormy gray. "You... Got to be fucken kidding me?" He whispered cynically. Out of all the people he could have ended up fucking, bringing to his home and somewhat trusting... It was the very man who almost killed them all. "W-what makes you think it's him?"

Jake snaps. "He has the same DNA as me, has all the features to fit the damn file, and his initials are A fucken W! What do you mean 'what makes us think'!?"

Letting out an agitated snarl in response, Leon ruffles his hair in thought. Teeth ground against one another as a pop resounds from his clenched jaw, his eyes glowing and growing along with his more bitter expression. "Jake... Now is not the time for those smart ass comments. How do you know THIS man is him. Did you do a recent DNA test? How do we know it's not a clone? How do we know he even has his memories. There are way more factors in play. It makes sense I admit. And if that is Albert Wesker, then maybe. Just maybe. We should talk to him rather than do whatever impulsive decision came to your mind."

Jake rolled his eyes, moving down the hall that led to Leon's room when blocked by the very blonde. " Get out of the way Hero."

Blonde brows scrunched together, falling low. "Jake... He is your father."

"And a well know terrorist and murderer! My old man should be dead so why don't I rectifi-"

"Now now, what is this?" A deep voice full of amusement cut them all off. Leon felt himself tense when he felt the other's presence behind him. Turning with apprehension as he met clearly entertained red eyes. "Looks like you all found out my little secret... And you mister Kennedy. I never thought you would have such a soft spot for me... Is it because of our, endeavors?"

The sand haired agent scoffed. "How about what we talked about before? Remember the things I said about the kids' parents? Ever occurred to rectify your mistake of being a bastard of a father?"

The larger man chuckles at his response, his hand coming to caress under his jaw and tip it up. "Why else do you think I have been playing nice? I could easily... Kill you all. Though I admit, I will feel quite reluctant in making the choice should you choose to call in 'help' considering both my son, my ex-partners daughter and a most interesting specimen like you, would be lost." The tone was low as Wesker confessed what was going on in his head, his hand falling lower to continue their caressing touch when Leon slapped him off.

The now young again agent backed up feeling slightly terrified for once. Not for once, but a sort of fear different from before built. He should feel more anger, more spite, and distrust... But his mind was in chaos. He believed every word and a part of him felt some sort of comfort in that touch, some pull. Even now he felt everything scream as he pulled back more and more till a hand grasped his shoulder. Flinching, the amethyst eyed man looked to see Muller with a fairly worried look to him, his gaze firm and intense, seeming to read the anxiety of the older man.

Leon took a moment to calm down, offering a small but reassuring smile. Turning back he gave a nod to the man before them and walked to him, holding his ground and shoving down and away the all-consuming need for the man before him. It was not his own choice, was not what his mind wanted. It was a simple trick of the body. It was saved and changed and now became dependent... But he won't let that stand. Eyes settling into a firm glare Kennedy chants to himself, a sort of promise. He was not to fall prey and become a toy, and he will rip off this leash once he discovers what it was that triggered it. No doubt it had a fraction to do with sex. The body could trick itself with the desperate need for love, and considering Leon and almost all who worked on this kind of field ended up permanently isolated... It is no surprise his body jumped at the first chance it got. Letting out a soft laugh at the idea, a sort of calm came now. Not forced, but simply washing over. It made sense, he had nothing to fear, he is a man of independence and got where he is now by his strength. This Demon in skin held no control... No one did.

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