Unplanned chaos

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~Chapter 3~

Red lights reflecting off of metal walls, loud sirens echoing down emptied halls, the beginning of the horror movie they were in begun.

To their luck, they specifically, had not been found... But all the pieces they left lying around has. The dead bodies Jake left, the empty tube Leon opened, and the taller blonde male beside them dressed like a scientist with no visible name tag. Though as of now they have been left alone, no one bypassing their current location. But the minute people realize they are not acting out and screaming the usual foreign language in alert. It won't take long...

The three were currently walking down an empty hall to their destination, Leon on guard and looking at his map every minute or so his eyes moving all around on high alert. The other two though... Causally made their way to him. They could care less it seemed. (If I had superhuman powers and hearing I would be the exact same.) Leon told himself, his expression slightly sour.

He glanced at the two and sighed. "Why am I the one on high alert when you two can hear if anyone is coming?" He finally questioned. The two simply rose a brow in response, a small smirk worn... And Leon could have sworn the two looked related. Shaking the thought away he fully angled himself to face them. "How about you guys play guy patrol guy and I do the map? Not both."

Jake shrugged then slowly walked a few steps ahead. "Fine by me. Better then concentrating on the obnoxious alarms... Not like they are drowning out all noises and all." muller sassed. 

Blue orbs rolled and Leon felt himself laugh. "And yet me doing the listening made more sense when all I CAN hear is the alarms." He rebutted. He was ready to begin walking again and just start mumbling directions for Jake to follow when he saw a hand glide over his shoulder and shut his phone. "Wha-" 

"I can lead us around, don't bother." Came the cool voice from behind. 

Leon curiously looked back and into the man's eyes, that coy smile still worn. (Something about that expression pisses me off.) He though pushing the man off and flipping his phone back open. "If you can then go ahead." He began, his expression slightly irritated. "I will just make sure you actually know your ups and downs. You know, check brain operation after that brain liquidizing sleep?"

To this the other snorted, still amused. He didn't seem to want to comment more and walked a little ways past the smaller blonde before stopping. "If my brain is indeed messed up and turned liquid. Whose to say the map is even correct?" 

At this Leon smirked back. "Well, then I guess we are lost, just like Jake was five days ago."

"Hey I had an excuse called no map or work experience!" The further teen yelled in argument, not turning back as he responded. 

Leon, was returning to his stride by now, in step with the mysterious figure then right behind the younger male. "What happened to the sirens blocking out the sound?" He asked ignoring the previous conversation and earning a light-hearted shrug. The mood had begun to lighten now, the tension from their current and unpredictable situation seeming far off... Then they felt the floor vibrate, tremors traveling down.

Loud booms began to sound off, and panic hit the blonde. Looking at Jake his eyes narrowed. "Considering that the only thing that ever sounded like that was that giant tracker mutant... Do you think?" he halfway questioned, hoping that the jest was just that. A joke.

The blue eyes belonging to Jake then gaze back, their brown lashes opening wide as horror took his face. "Fuck!" The buzzed cut boy screamed shoving Leon against the hall wall opposite to himself. And just then, the creature Kennedy spoke of came and slammed the floor between them, the ground shattering and all falling.

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