Im sorry (a promise) (10)

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      When me and jungkook walked home his phone rang he picked it up I didn't hear much I just walked with him

He stopped walking

"W..whats wrong kookie?" He dropped his phone.

I gasped "ur phone why would u do that to ur phone wae..are u ok? Coz ur phone is not" I tried to make a joke but he didn't laugh he always does but he didn't

He cups my face

"Danella please take this lightly"

"Ok" I started to get nervous my heart pounded I don't what he will say but my eyes got watery.

"I...I have to break up with u..."

"W..wa..what.." my hear broke into a million pieces I felt as if my heart sunk all the way down to my stomach my chest hurts I started to cry my tears rolling down each tear saying why. Why . Why my heart skipped a beat

"Danella my untie said and I need to go back to Korea" each word he said I just felt like dying

He didn't leave me he just hugged me

"I'm sorry"

Please find some one better then me I dropped my bag I just ran home crying.

My parents were worried when they saw me cry,I didn't even bother to tell them,

I'm just in my room crying holding my pillow and gripping it tightly,I loved him I can't live without parents knocked on my door

"Danella honey please buksan mo ang pinto(open the door)" I cried more and more


       It was Monday I didn't go to school I didn't feel like moving I haven't ate the whole day,later on that day it was jungkook's flight back to Korea

A knock there was on the main door

"Is Danella here she left her bag I just wanted to give this back to her"

It was jungkook

When I hear his voice I cried and cried I couldn't breathe I felt something heavy on me.....

"Miss jee please open the door ur bag is here and mr jeon left he said to give this to u"

"Ju..just  le..leave it there" I said while crying and sniffing

I opened the door and got my bag after the maid went away

I opened it I saw letter

Hi Danella I know u are crying I can feel it if u ever feel down or if ur crying right now just look at the necklace and the bracelet I gave u.I still love u but I just need to go to Korea for a while I promise I will come back to the Philippines just for u.....please forgive me we can write each other letter's so we can communicate. Love u
        Love jeon jungkook
                        Ur kookie

As I was reading my tears fell on the letter more and more I moved the letter away so it won't be wet and holded the bracelet and necklace

I went back to my position before and cried.


It's been 3 weeks and I decided to go back to school

All my friends were worried they all asked me what happened the boys didn't even ask they already knew.

Fast forward to the future

I now graduated and now I'm collage,

Me and my friends went to the same collage I took the coarse architecture because I always wanted to be like my mom.

Once in high school me and jungkook send letters to each other sometimes I cried,laughed and missed him while reading them.....

But when I gave him a letter on graduation Day he never replied back ever since.

Again so short sorry I know this story went to happy than sad but I promise it will be happier

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