Baekhyun - She Will Be Loved (?)

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Look for the girl with a broken smile....

_______ was a woman who had everything. Well, that's what everyone thought anyways. A loving husband, a beautiful daughter and a comfortable lifestyle. However that was only the surface.

She had some trouble with herself....

_____ was unhappy. Her smiled never reached her eyes no matter how hard she tried. That is, until she met a young man. _____ was a woman with dignity, she wasn't expecting to fall in love with the young man. Especially since she was a mother and was married.

She always belonged to someone else....

Baekhyun knew ______. They crossed paths often in a cafe he worked in. He found _____ to be one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He fell in love when she first spoke to him. His love didn't falter when he discovered the fact that ____  was married and a mother, if anything it only sparked his love for the woman.

She will be loved....

The first time Baekhyun and ____ got to know each other it was an awkward encounter. Baekhyun was cleaning tables,  when ____ rushed in. Alarmed, Baekhyun rushed over tapping her on the shoulder. _____ turned around and cried into Baekhyun's chest. Wide eyed Baekhyun only circled his arms around the woman to pull her into a comforting hold.

He was always there to help her....

From that awkward encounter, they found comfort and a whole new world in each other. ____ found things in Baekhyun she couldn't find in her husband. She found love. She found that she was able to smile more often, smile more genuinely, she found comfort Baekhyuns arms however what was most important - she found happiness when she was with Baekhyun.

I want to make you feel beautiful....

Baekhyun had no idea that he had so much love to give. It surprised him. He knew they couldn't start a relationship, ____ made it that clear. But he knew she was in love with him just as much as he was with her. He could tell - so he kept pressing her. Until she finally gave in to what was right in front of her. Baekhyun knew what they were getting into. He wasn't naive. He however, was blinded with love. Nothing else  but ____'s love and happines mattered to him.

I don't mind spending everyday, out in your corner in the pouring rain....

Baekhyun had gotten a message from ____ to meet her at the corner of her house. Baekhyun looked outside to see it was slightly drizzling so he braced himself and got ready. ____'s text made Baekhyun feel uneasy. He wondered if there was something bothering the woman he has come to love with his whole heart. His heart felt a slight tug at the thought. Almost as if the heavens above felt Baekhyuns pain it started raining heavily. He arrived and patiently waited for the woman who held his whole heart.

It's not always rainbows and butterflies....

It was maybe an hour into the wait and Baekhyun felt saddened that maybe she forgot. As he was about to take his leave in the pouring rain, he hears her voice. Turning around he sees her running towards him. Smiling Baekhyun walks to catch up to her. However is smile is replaced with that of a face of anger as he realises she is  crying. Again. She runs into him with full force, sobbing. Baekhyun forgets the umbrella he was holding, to embrace her. Bringing her face into his hands, his eyes widened at the slightly purple bruise forming on her cheek. His heart broke and from there Baekhyun could only see red.

My heart is full and my door is always open....

Baekhyun was happy and content with life. With ____'s husband behind bars and a divorce filed against the filthy man. His heart was full of love. He could now openly express the love he has for the woman who he holds dearly to his heart. He however now has to share his heart with ___'s daughter. He didn't seem to have a problem with that. In fact like her mother, it was love at first sight with the said 2 year old. His heart soared at the fact the said 2 year old had even started calling him her father.

And she will be loved....

____ was worried that Baekhyun was rushing to accept her broken family. She was scared that Baekhyun wasn't ready. That once he realises he has more to offer. She wasn't ready to be torn apart again.  He was young and had a whole life ahead of him. ____ wasn't much older than him, with 5 years separating the two but she felt like she was holding him back. So caught up in her thoughts ____ starts to cry. As she realises she may have to let Baekhyun go.

So hard to say goodbye....

After putting his daughter to sleep. That's right, Baekhyun has claimed the child his, after thinking he couldn't love anyone else but her mother the tiny life form changes his mind. He smiles fondly and makes his way to his now shared bedroom. Only to quickly rush in to console and comfort his love. After coaxing the love of his love to tell him what was wrong, _____ finally spilt the rancid thoughts that went through her head. Which led to _____ breaking down. Baekhyun was upset that she thought like this. Couldn't she see that no matter what he wasn't going to leave? After all they have been through he wasn't going to leave her like this. ____ wasn't holding him back in fact, she was giving him a life he never thought he could have.

And she will be loved....

That night, ____ and Baekhyun became one. Baekhyun showed that no matter what life throws their way. Baekhyun will be right there and they will be together as one happy family.


Well guys, there it is!
I was inspired by Maroon 5 'She will be loved'  it's such a oldie but a goodie!
Also note that the lyrics are all over the place but that's just cause I put it that way~
Another note is that you should listen to the song while reading this too!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this!

Baibai~ m

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