Chapter 1

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Taylor: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, age 24

Ally: Short light blonde hair, blue eyes, age 24

"I can't wait! It's been too long wince we've had a vacation. And the hotel is really nice. Are you excited??"

I smiled at my best friend's eagerness. "Yeah Ally, it'll be great."

I look out the window of her car. It was a beautiful day out. The sun illuminated the light blue skies, there was a slight breeze just enough to cool the day down to the perfect short and tank weather. The birds were chirping and flying in the open sky. I smiled softly, enjoying the view. Ally grabbed her phone and handed it to me. "Pick a song." I nodded and opened Spotify, scrolling through the playlist. I selected Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon, it was our song. Ally's face lit up and she started singing along. I smiled and joined in. We sang and danced in the car. This was one of the very few people I felt safe with. Through the rest of the drive we sang, talked, and laughed. After a few hours she exited the freeway and I pulled out my phone to get directions to the hotel.

"Okay so it looks like you'll want to take a left up at the light, then a block down turn right and we'll be there."

"Alright." Ally glanced over at me and smiled. "This is going to be so great! Just you and me, two best friends!"

I smiled back. "Yeah, it'll be great."

Ally pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and parked. She turned off the car then shifted in her seat to face me. Her mouth broke into a wide grin. "We're here!!!" I laughed softly at her.

"Yup. We're here."

"Come on! Let's get our bags and go inside!" She quickly unbuckled her seat belt.

I nodded and unbuckled myself as she jumped out of the car. She opened the trunk, pulling her purple suitcase out along with my blue one. I got out of the car and walked up to her. She handed me my suitcase and I smiled in appreciation. "Thanks." Ally smiled. "No problem. Now let's go!" I laughed softly again, she was so giddy she was practically bouncing. I shut the trunk and started walking toward the lobby, Ally racing after me. I smiled as I watched her run in. I don't know what I'd do without my spunky girl. I walked into the hotel and up to the front desk where Ally was checking us in and waiting for the room keys. The lady looked up from her computer as I approached and smiled before going back to her computer. She grabbed two cards and swiped them on the device next to her computer activating them. She handed each of us our room key and smiled. "Enjoy your stay. Let me know if I can help you with anything else." She smiled kindly at us. We returned the smile and thanked her before walking to the elevator. Ally pushed the button and almost opened and we walked in, wheeling our suitcases behind us. We stopped in the elevator and Ally pushed the button for floor seven. The button emitted a soft warm glow in contrast to the rest of the buttons which remained gray. I looked at all the buttons, "Wow there's a lot of floors here." Ally's eyes followed mine and she nodded. "Yeah. Big hotel." The elevator let out a ding bringing our attention back to the doors, we'd reached the seventh floor. The doors opened and we both grabbed our suitcases and walked out into the hallway. I looked down at my key, "We're in room 24." Ally nodded and turned left, I followed after her. We walked all the way down the hall before we reached our room. I inserted my key and the light turned from red to green. I turned the doorknob and opened the door before taking my key back. I put my key in my back pocket with my phone and walk into the room. I walked to the bed on the far side of the room and set my suitcase beside it. Ally walked in and put her suitcase on her bed. I looked around at the room. It was nice and simple. Cream walls with white accents, white comforters with pastel flower designs, and on top was piled a bunch of white and cream pillows to match. There was a short oak dresser at the front of the room, set between the beds, which held a television. And in the corner was a desk and chair. I walked up to the window and pulled the drapes back, letting the sun set in. Ally flopped down on her bed and let out a happy sigh. I smiled at her and sat on the foot of my bed and rand my fingers through my wavy blonde hair.

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