Chapter 2

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Authors note: Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter is so late! My depression and anxiety have been really bad this weekend so I didn't feel up to writing much but I promised you guys a chapter so I made myself get on and type it up. I'd love an recommendations or to hear any questions you guys have. And I'm also not a huge fan of the title so if you guys have any ideas let me know! Anyway, here's chapter 2. Hope you guys enjoy it!

"Ally isn't here. No one is. No one can help you Taylor."

The voice sent chills down my spine as I frantically looked around in the dark, but there was nothing. My breathing sped up and I tried to keep calm.

"W-who are you?" I asked, trying to keep the fear out of my voice but failing.

"You don't need to know my name." Came the voice. It was deep and dark, obviously meant to scare me. I took a deep breath as I tried to look around again.

"What do you want with me?" My heart raced from fear of the answer and it came as one simple word.


"W-what do you mean me?" Please no... This can't be happening...

"Exactly that. I want you."

I swallowed and felt my hands shaking. "You can't- you can't have me."

There was a laugh. A dark, deep, echoing, malicious laugh that scared me to death.

"I can and I will have you."

My heart was racing and my breathing was fast.

"Please...just leave me alone."

The laugh came again, but softer. What does that mean? I tried to look around but still could see nothing but darkness. I swallowed hard and tried to calm down. The voice had stopped, that was good, right? Maybe he decided to leave me alone. These thoughts did nothing to calm me as I stood in the dark and waited for something. Anything. I closed my eyes and focused on taking deep breaths. I stood there for what felt like hours, waiting. Occasionally I'd open my eyes and look around but could still see nothing. I sighed. Nothing was happening. I decided to try and find the door and go down to the main lobby. I stretched my hands out so I could feel around the room to find the door. I hadn't taken more than two steps when my hands were grabbed. My eyes widened and I tried to scream. Before I got a sound out another hand clamped around my mouth. I felt someone get close to my ear and heard a male's voice whisper.

"Be quiet and work with us and you won't get hurt." Us? That meant there were at least two. I felt the hand around my wrists tighten and a rope draped on top. No! Not good! I tried to scream again and struggled to get away. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me into a body. It must have been the man that whispered in my ear. I continued to struggle but he was too strong, I couldn't go anywhere. The other person tied the rope around my wrists and pulled it tight. There was no way I was getting out of those. I continued to struggle, hoping the man behind me would get tired, even for a second, and loosen his grip enough for me to get out. I felt him lean down next to my ear again.

"Stop it!" He hissed and shoved his elbow into my gut, causing me to lose my breath and stop struggling. I felt another rope, this time at my ankles. My eyes widened again and I tried to kick the person but to no avail. I felt them grab my ankles and quickly bind them together with the rope. The man behind me loosened his grip a little and whispered in my ear again.

"You aren't going anywhere. Now you can be good and quiet or I can gag you and make you quiet. Your choice. Understand?"

I swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

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