Chapter Fifteen

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      I felt like everyone in the whole resturaunt was staring at me. It was so embarassing! The torture didn't last for too much longer because we ate and walked out to the car. Well, me and Carly walked to the car. Nat and Alex stood near the entrance of the resturaunt talking.

     Minutes later, they walked over to the car and we all got in. Carly wanted to go home. I didn't want to, though. I liked spending time with Alex. He was so comforting and I really didn't want to go back home.

     My grandma just died, which means my mom is probably drunk right now and whenever she gets drunk.. well.. I just really don't want to go home tonight.

     "Ok. Well. Where are we going now?" Carly asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.

     Then Carly and Nat talked about how this was going to be a good surprise. I know Carly better than anyone and I know that she just absolutely hates surprises. I think the only reason that she is tolerating Nat and Alex's surprises right now is because they're famous and she has been in love with Nat ever since The Naked Brothers Band.

     We drove for another fifteen to twenty minutes down the road until we arrived at a park. Nat had a hard time finding it at first, but I pointed out a sign that said "Sparkling Waters Park".

    Nat parked the car again. We all got out an walked towards the giant water fountain in the middle of the park.

     There was a silver plaque in front of the water fountain that read:

     "This park was created in loving memory of young Emily Gibson. Emily had leukemia ever since she was born. Her dying wish was to have a park made in dedication to all young cancer patients: To all those who lost the battle, and to all those who wont stop fighting for their lives. Emily lived until the age of eleven. Emily Gibson 2001-2012."

     Alex and I were the only people who read the plaque. Carly and Nat had wondered off somewhere.

     I slowly walked away from the fountain and towards a sidewalk that was lined with lights. The lights added a nice glow to the park that made it seem like you were walking through a dream.

     Alex didn't even notice that I walked away. He had to jog a little bit to catch up to me. "Sorry," he mumbled.

     "It's fine," I accepted his apology, eventhough I didn't think he needed to aplogize.

     We were walking side by side along the sidewalk when his hand found mine in the darkness of the night. The lights lit up most of the sidewalk, but not much. It was almost midnight and it was still going to be somewhat dark, with or without lights.

     "So.. tell me about yourself," Alex said.

     "What do you want to know?" I asked.

     "I don't know. Hmmm," he faked a thinking face and then continued, "I want to know what you think about me. Be honest."

     "Oh.. Um.. Well, I think you're an amazing person. You are VERY handsome. You have a great personality and.. I.. I really like you. Not just because you're famous. I like you as a person. I couldn't care less that you're famous."

     "Wow. Most people love me because I'm famous. It means a lot to me that you think that."

     "Now tell me what you think about me." I said. He blushed. I smiled and so did he.

     "You're beautiful. I don't care what you say. It's my opinion and I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're smart. You're a little shy sometimes, but I think I can fix that." Alex said and I smiled.

     Alex continued,"And that. I enjoy seeing you smile. It just brightens my day. I like the fact that you don't care if I'm famous or not. All of my other girlfriends liked me just for that reason. Once, someone just dated me because of a dare. I mean, who would do that? It's a bunch of bullshit. But anyways, I'm glad that you like me for me."

     "That is why I like you so much. You tell the truth. Well, at least I hope you do. And you make me feel beautiful, even if I know for a fact that I am not," I paused for a moment before saying,"Before I met you tonight, I had no one except for Carly and my grandma. Now I don't have my grandma, but I'd rather not talk about that because I've done enough crying for tonight. Now, I have you and I'm glad."

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