Chapter Twenty-Six

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     "I can't believe those guys would do something like that. They are.. Well, they were my friends," I said to Felicia as we walked away from the mini-golf course.

     "They don't seem like very good friends," she said.

     "Back when I used to talk to them a lot, they were okay friends. But, our friendship just sort of ended. We used to be the best of friends, but they just stopped telling me things. Then we stopped talking and it ended."

     "I've had one friendship like that before," Felicia said.

     "Did it end bad?" I asked her.

     "Very. My old friend was doing some very bad things. She was with a guy and they almost did things together. She sent all kinds of naked pictures to guys she wasn't even dating! I was really worried about her and I didn't want her to end up hurt or pregnant, so I went to her mom and told her everything. I showed her mom all the messages where she told me what she did," she explained.

     "What happened after that?" I asked.

     "She hates me for it. This all happened over this past spring break. She even tried to fight me at school. I was standing at my locker and she came up to me. She said all kinds of things to me, but I didn't let it get to me. She tried to punch me, but failed terribly. I grabbed her hand and slammed it as hard as I could into my locker."

     "Damn. Now I know not to make you mad."

     She laughed, "It takes a lot. And I mean A LOT to make me mad. I don't get mad over some stupid crap like when people talk about me. If someone wants to talk about me, I let them. If they want to waste their life making rumors about me that aren't true, I let them. What they say or think doesn't matter to me. Drama is pointless and stupid. In a few years when I'm out of high school, none of that is going to matter. I only care about what close friends think about me since I have pretty much no family," she explained.

     "You are probably the first girl I've ever met with that opinion. Everyone else cries when people talk about them."

     "I know. ALL of the girls at my school are like that. Except for Carly. I'm guessing that's why we're such good friends."

     I heard a phone start ringing. I checked my phone and it wasn't mine.

     "It's my mom," Felicia said as she put the phone up to her ear.

     "What?" She asked her mom.

     I couldn't really hear what her mom was saying. All I could hear was a woman's voice on the other line.

     "Yes, mother. I did stay out all night with a boy," she told her mom. Uh oh. I bet she is going to be in trouble when she gets home.

     "I am definitely not coming home right now. You're drunk, mom! I can hear it in your voice," she talked a little quieter, "Remember what happened last time you were this drunk?"

     The conversation didn't last too much longer. I was still thinking about that last bit of her conversation with her mother. I wonder what happened the last time her mom got this drunk. I'm guessing it wasn't really good.

     "She said she wants my butt home right now," Felicia said.

     "Something's telling me that she didn't say 'butt'," I said.

     "Something's telling me you're correct," she said.

     "Why don't you cuss?" I asked her. She didn't look like the kind of person who would, but I still asked.

     "I don't know. It makes me feel wrong. I've never cussed once in my life. I've been around it my whole life and everyone is surprised that I don't," she explained.


     "Hey Alex?"


     "You do realize that you called me your girlfriend back at the mini-golf course, don't you?"

     "Well, you are my girlfriend, aren't you?" I said with a smile.

     "I think so? You never did officially ask me out," I could tell she was teasing me.

     "Okay. Well, Felicia, will you go out with me?" I asked her.

     "Duh! Of course I will!" she said with a smile as she hugged me tight.


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