Chapter 3

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As the last bell rang, students flooded the hallways, all rushing to get home or to get onto their buses. Green was trying to make his way through the hallways, with little luck, when Yellow stopped him.

"Look here Green, let's us be besties!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Huh?" Green was more than confused than froze, oh, oh, he remembered Crystals warning.

"Oh, is this about me inviting Red a ride home, I'm sorry I didn't mean to take him away from anything you had planned." He quickly stammered hoping to get away quickly.

"Listen here, we did have plans today! I am his girlfriend! So forget about being friends with him, don't touch him, don't speak to him and most importantly don't look at him you hear me!" She screamed at him, making everyone look their way.

Oh great now everyone is going to hate me, was all Green thought to himself. "I'm sorry." He quickly said growing more embarrassed by the second. At that Green turned around and rushed to get out of the school, just hoping that Daisy was already in the car.

As he got outside he froze when he saw Red talking to Daisy . Green quickly went up to him.

"I'm sorry Red! I didn't know you already had plans with your girlfriend, you can go hang out with her." Green said already wanting to go home.

Red looked confused. "What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend...... wait are you talking about Yellow?" Green nodded to his question looking down and ready to cry.

"ARGH THAT BITCH!" Red swore loudly. Then he looked at Green, seeing him look shocked and ready to cry. "Please don't listen to her, she always does this. She makes my friends think that I don't care for them by always picking her over them. I'm just lucky that my group of friends know that it is all a lie. Here I will let you in a little secret don't tell anybody else okay? I'm gay, I like boys not girls and she just can't seem to accept that." Red said kindly, but you could hear the little anger behind his soft voice.

Green was shocked. Are you telling him that this beautiful, hot boy was gay?! Green was beyond happy hearing that piece of news. "Oh." Was all he could reply with. "Um don't worry I won't tell anybody, heh if it helps you feel better I kinda know about the whole secret thing."

"You do?" Red said looking a little bit startled and confused.

"Yea, I'm gay too. Sorry if this just got weird." Green said ignoring the wink and happy face on Daisy's face.

Red smiled. "Wow it's nice to know I'm not the only one." Was all Red said looking happy. Probably because he wasn't the only gay person, not for him being gay to start a relationship with Green thought sadly.

"Okay you two lets get into the car before this Yellow girl shows up." Daisy said.

"Yea good idea." Red and Green replied at the same time. They both stopped and looked at each other before bursting into laughter. As they got into the car and pulling out the parking lot, they could see Yellow looking for them.

The drive was silent except for Green stealing some glances at Red. Daisy saw Green looking at Red and couldn't help the smile that made its way on her face.

"Hey, how come you guys moved here?" Red said as he broke the silence.

Both Daisy and Green looked at each other wondering if they should tell him the truth or to make something up. Green looked at Red and decided that yea might as well tell him the truth.

"We moved because our Grandpa got a job offer and I was being bullied for being gay." Green replied watching Red looked at him sadly, and Daisy looked at Green in shock.

"You were bullied?" Both Green and Daisy nodded. "How bad was the bullying?"

"It was horrible, I made friends think that they would accept my brother but as soon as they found out they told the entire school. Guys picked on him and the girls threw their drinks at him, even the teachers were failing him on purpose." Daisy sadly told Red.

Green just looked out the car window watching the trees go by as they drove into Masara town. He felt someone put a hand on his shoulder. He looked and saw Red smiling at him.

"Well I don't care if your gay, you seem like a nice person, people should learn to accept gay people. It is so stupid that they don't." He said.

"Thank you." Green quietly said while a tear ran down his cheek. Green never once thought that someone would say something so nice to him. He looked into Red's eyes and he knew that he was falling for him and fast. He had to be careful, for he didn't want to get hurt again.

"Well, we are here. Home sweet home." Daisy said.

Red looked around. "Hey I live right across the street. Sweet we're neighbours!" he said as he waved at his mom.

"Oh well look at that Green, you won't be so lonely here after all." Daisy said with a knowing smile.

As they climbed out the car, Red waved his mom to come over. Daisy was just giving the car keys to their grandfather.

"How was school?" The old man said kindly to her.

"It was nice, Green made friends. Oh so did I, its just I'm more worried about Green." Daisy said as she hugged Professor Oak.

"You should worry about your own life, if he screws his up then it won't effect us as much." He snarled back at her.

"Grandpa he is your grandson! Maybe you should learn how to respect him and maybe he would be more nice to you!" She quickly retorted, her eyes flashing with anger.

Green just looked at them and knew that Red and his mom heard everything. He spinned around and told them to come inside while opening the front door.

"Come on in! Sorry that it's a mess!" Green said a bit loudly hoping to get their attention back to him and not the screaming pair at the car.

As they walked in, Red's mom told Red to go help Green unpack some stuff as she went to help stop the fight outside.

Green just started to walk up the stairs. Red quickly following him.

"Umm this is my room. We can start here if you would like. You don't have to help if you don't want to." Green said as he climbed up on his desk to reach the top box.

Green froze when the boxes started to fall towards him. Red quickly grabbed him around the waist and brought him to his chest. Green turned around to thank him when he stopped.

They were so close. Red was looking down at him and took a quick glance to Green's lips and started to lean forward. Green gripped Red's jacket and stood on his tip toes eyes starting to close just waiting for their lips to touch when they heard a voice.

"What the hell is going on!?!"

A/N Sorry if Green is ooc, I  just wanted to play with the characters a little bit. I hope you have a wonderful day! Please comment below.

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