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Chris lay on one side of the bed, while I lay on the other. We speant the whole night asleep like that. Until someone barged through the door without knocking.

''Samantha, Travis is having a party tonight, do you want to go?'' Tristen asked, walking in.

''Tristen you know the deal, really tired right here," I groaned.

''When did you plan on telling me he was coming or he was here,'' Tristen said, staring at chris. I couldn't read the emotion in his eyes, it worried me slightly.

''He rocked up yesterday... unexpected might I add ,'' I responded, rolling over.

''And you didn't tell me?" He asked.

"No because we went out for tea, went to the beach and came home then watched a movie and I fell asleep. Sorry but I don't have to tell you everything straight away or at all,'' I responded.

"I'm your boyfriend and practically your carer,'' tristen insisted.

"Stop being such a control freak! I was off my head on sleeping pills," i yelled, growing angry, sitting up.

"Well we wouldn't be here in the first place if you didn't rake them," tristen said.

"Tristen just shut up! You don't understand the pain... Stop being my father!'' I shouted.

''Samantha if you haven't noticed you are incapable of keeping yourself in check,'' he said.

''I know," i said bowing my head.

''You two good or is there more yelling to come?" Chris asked, raising his head.

''Bro get out,'' i said chucking a pillow at him. He picked up the pillow and left the room.

''How long is he here for?'' Tristen asked.

''I'm not sure but it's nice having him here,'' i said, giving tristen a hug.

''I love you, you know that,'' tristen said looking down at me.

"I know," i said, letting go of him.

"So about that party," tristen asked.

"No, you go hang out with your friends," i said, leaving the room.

"Seriously babe, i want you too come. Bring chris,'' he pleaded.

"Don't babe me, I don't want to go Tristen. Take chris with you regardless of if i go or not," i spoke back.

"Samantha, why won't you come,' he asked.

"Because it'll be like most times, you drink, get drunk, I look after drunk Tristen. I'm not going," i finalled.

"Fine then, can we at least do something today then," he asked, following me to the kitchen. We walked past chris who was sitting on the couch with my family.

"Why tristen? Like I said, you know the deal, I'm tired and going to get more tired through the day," i said.

"Samantha, I love you and we are going to do something. We'll go to the corner cafe get lunch and sit on the beach," he said.

"Fine, but what about chris, he'll be alone," i questioned.

"He can hang out with miles or one of the guys he met last time,'' tristen said.

"I hate you sometimes," i stated.

"And you love me sometimes," he smiled.

"Thats debatable," I argued.

"Now go get ready, i want to go," he said, shoving me off. I walked up to my room and headed straight for my closet. I grabbed out my clothes and headed to bathroom to quickly change. I grabbed my purse off my nightstand and went back downstairs.

"Lets go," i said. I walked over tk the couch, hanging over it.

"Tristen and I are going out for a while, we can do something later on. Just hang out here or go for walk while I'm out. Make yourself at home," I said before i left the lounge and walked out the house with Tristen.

I hopped into the passenger seat of Tristen's car. He took pride in his car and it was always spotless. If you were too look at mine it would be a different story.

After starting the car Tristen rested a hand on my thigh, softly rubbing my leg.

''How tired are you today?'' Tristen asked.

''Pretty tired but better than usual,'' i shrugged. I placed my hand on top of his, which caused him to start playing with it.

''You probably should of done your makeup your bags look designer,'' tristen chuckled.

''Makeup is the last thing i want to do right now,'' i rolled my eyes. In the last few months tristen had started to become more aggressive, it scared me but he always made an excuse for it saying he was just worried.

''Oh so you would rather do me?'' He said, turning and giving me a smirk. I returned his look with a glare.

''Not the time of day to be making a joke tristen,'' I complained.

Tristen and I grabbed lunch from the corner cafe and went and sat on the beach. It was times like these that I was beyond appreciative of him but I also started to get edgy around him due to his jealousy which has always really been present but more now than usual. He was controlling but he did care for me and look after me which made me believe it was all the best to keep my breathing and out of hospital.

Tristen spoke about his last few weeks of term left and how he planned to look after me from uni next year. He was happy to go to uni. But I knew things would change he would just deny it.

Time passed and before we knew it I needed to head home to save chris from my annoying family. Tristen moaned and groaned about going and still wanting me to come to the party but I seriously was not in the mood so ignored most of the questions on the way home.

When I arrived home I found Chris on my playstation. Ruining my fortnite scores.

''Chris you ruining my scores stop it play pubg or something,'' I complained.

''I'm suprised you have these games,'' he commented.

''Of course I have them what do you expect me to do when I'm on bed rest,'' I said taking a seat on my bed.

''Read a book, look at makeup tutorials,'' he said, concentrating on the game.

''Very funny, hand over the remote and let me show you how its done.''

Tell me what? // C.L. Au FanficWhere stories live. Discover now