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date ; 10.10.17

moonbin arrived at the airport early in the morning, tired and groggy from his busy schedule yesterday.

he walked into the airport, suddenly having an epiphany about why he was here in the first place.

the reason why he was here so early was because he was picking up eunwoo from his overseas trip.

moonbin casually walked near the waiting area and patiently waited for eunwoo.

he sighed as he saw a guy looking like eunwoo but then realising it was someone else.

it was like this for a while until the actual cha eunwoo came out and moonbin greeted him with a bright smile.

moonbin's smile seemed to drop as he noticed a familiar looking person standing behind eunwoo.

"JIEQIONG!" he screamed loudly, causing the others to flinch.

"MOOBEAN!" she exclaimed in shock.

jieqiong abandoned her luggage and quickly ran towards moonbin, hugging him tightly.

"it's been almost two years since I've heard from you!" moonbin angrily stated, lightly pushing jieqiong.

"what? i told you i was moving and even gave you my address." jieqiong said, finally letting moonbin go.

"i don't think i've ever received it..." he sighed.

"oh i'm sorry to hear that, but all i'm grateful for is that you're alive even after these years from not hearing from you." jieqiong chuckled, squeezing moonbin's cheeks.

"umI guys, pda much? and did you forget why you were here in the first place" eunwoo snickered as he walked up to moonbin, also carrying jieqiong's luggage.

"it's just friendly love!" moonbin retorted, nudging eunwoo.

"yeah yeah, let's go, we'll be late." eunwoo said, dragging moonbin away.

jieqiong looked a bit sad. it's been two years since they've last wrote to each other and now they're being separated again.

"goodbye jieqiong, if we meet again, i'll be sure to own a phone and get your number." moonbin quickly said as he was being dragged by eunwoo.

"yeah, it we'll ever meet again..." jieqiong muttered under her breath, seeing moonbin becoming smaller and smaller.

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