New friend, New costs.

91 1 2

Warning: Minor cussing!!
E/c :eye color
H/l :hair length
H/c : hair color
G/c: glasses color if you where them

After Gym class, are teacher said that we would be going to lunch and dismissed us. I walk out of the gym to the hallway. I walked a lot slower than everyone because I was thinking about all that had happened today, I lost our group though. I didn't know where the lunch room was! I looked around to see if anyone could help, and I saw three people standing around. Shouldn't they be in class? One had white hair, purple eyes, and wore a School uniform like me, the other one had Darkish brown hair and red eyes. The Last one. I hated him, my ex. I saw him walk away, so I decided to walk over to the white haired girl with purple eyes.
"U-um... Hey? Do you know where the lunch room is??"
She looked up at me, from her phone.
"U-hhh arent you not aloud to have your phone?"
"Yeah. So what?"
"Oh never mind.. so where is the lunch room?"
"Cause I need food. Duh."
"Follow me," she said with a weird smile.
"Ok. Whats your name?"
I followed Sasha to these doors that led. Outside? What?
"These led outside."
"Yeah, captain obvious."
"So this isnt the lunch room."
"We are ditching for lunch."
I start to turn away from her and she grabs my arm.
"Come on."
I have to follow her due to her grasp on my arm. She takes me to a small deli and orders two things and once they are done grabs the food and my arm. She makes us sit by a tree and calls someone who I hear is named Zenix.
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk to you and be friends."
I eat my foood, its not that bad really. We then talk for a bit and I learn that Sasha isnt a horrible person and she is part of a group called the Shadow Knights, shes not sure she wants to stay though because their leader left for collage a bit ago. 'Shadow Knights..' where have I heard that before?? Something someone said... Eh. Whatever. I look at the time and see its way past lunch and into the 6th period! "Shit! I have to go!!"
"Why?" Sasha asks confused.
"6th Block! Lunch was over two periods ago, and Travis!!"
"Nevermind! Here is my number take it and call me later! Bye!"
I run off to school, pushing into some people. I ran into this guy with black hair, a skull tershirt (no its not Zane,) and some dark pants.
???? POV
A girl (or whatever) with  h/l h/c and e/c eyes. She ran from where Sasha was and quickly said sorry. I walk over to Sasha and talk to her for a but about what is happening, who that was, what we can do with them, and so on. Then Sasha has to leave and I have to go to my next class.

I run to my next class.  2:13. Shit. Its already started. Travis and the others will know I am at school today. Great. I run faster, one more stair case and a hallway. 2:17. There it is. I had picked up all my stuff on the way to my class. You can do this. I walked in. Ok. Dont draw any whats so ever attention. "Y/N! Care to explain why you are late?" Crap.

Sorry that took so long!! Happy American Easter! I don't celebrate easter till mext week so yeah! I was also in California for a week so I couldnt post! But I have no excuse 😂 sorry small inside joke. Some romance is on its way!! 💜💜 plus 300 reads!?! What!! I love you all!! Thank you!! -Vasi

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