Same Coffee

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Slowly I looked at the glass screen. A busy scene stood in front of me of people rushing to places and hurrying to their destinations. I looked down at my half drank coffee. A blurry reflection of a girl with big dreams, but no opportunities looked back at me. From far away, I might look like I am a happy girl spending my life discovering myself in a small cozy diner. Inside? I am lost. I have places I want to go to and things I want to try. I am multiple people trapped inside one body. A young waitress walked over to me and gave me a warm smile.

"Would you like something to eat?" Her English accent sounded refreshing in a dull diner like this. Her eyes, a sparkling blue against her bright blonde hair. She was like a bright sunflower in a field of dead weeds.

I lightly shook my head and returned a small smile. She nodded and I watched her walk away with a bounce in her step. A bounce in her hair. Her energy practically radiating off of her small frame.

I looked down at my coffee again. As if for a split second I had experienced what it felt like to live a life where everything wasn't scattered and hopeless. My hand reached out to grab the silver spoon in front of me. I stir my half empty, cold coffee until it stirred itself. I watch the silky liquid spin like a tornado. I watched until it halted to a stop and sat unstill, stagnant again.

I stood up and looked around. Same tables, same chairs, same people. Same me. Maybe tomorrow I would go somewhere. Or maybe I would talk to someone. Or maybe I could come back, order the same coffee, look out the same window, and wish the same wish, to be someone I am not.


Welcome readers! This is something different than what I usually write but I hope you enjoyed it! It might be a little confusing and unclear to read at first, but if you reread it it should be more clear. This style is a little different than the usual, but I find it really fascinating. Tell me what your thoughts on this was either in the comments or private messaging. Also if you ever stumble upon a piece that you would really like me to expand it and make it an actual story (or a part two etc) please please tell me!

There are 365 days in a year, may all 365 of your dreams come true 


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