3: Mysterious Currents

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I laughed as I ran into the quietness of the night. I looked back and saw him smile at me.

"Stop running Annie! We gotta go home!" There wasn't a hint of sadness or annoyance in his voice, just pure happiness.

He soon caught up with me and we both stopped to look in front of us. Sand underneath our toes.
"Wonder what's out there." His voice barely a whisper, pointing out in front of us.

I looked out, towards the navy blue ocean. It swished and swirled as the moon commanded.

"How does the moon control the ocean?" I asked him as we both lowered ourselves onto the softness of the sand.

"Doesn't always control, it could guide too, you know. Unless you want an actual answer from 8th-grade science class."

I rolled my eyes and continued to stare out into what seemed like infinity. I squinted my eyes trying to find the end of the ocean. The more I look, the bigger it seemed. There was no neat line that stopped the body of water, no dam to hold it back. It was beautifully free. Yet, its limitless scared me.

"What would happen if there wasn't a moon?" I asked looking up at him.

"Why didn't you ask Mr. Leshold 3 years ago." He looked over at me with an amused face. He saw the seriousness I held, "Why do you want to know?"

A tear suddenly slipped out of my eyes as I continued to look at the dark waters. The wind picked up, but warmth stilled danced around us.

His voice faded as I stood up.

"Annie, come back. Where are you going?"

I looked back at him as the wind picked up.

"How can something be so beautiful but scary at the same time?"
He stared back at me, not knowing what to say. The trees around us shook fiercely as the wind circled around us, faster and faster.

"We should go, Annie." He stood up.

I could barely hear his voice anymore, the sand danced lowly around our legs.

"Be my moon," I whispered.

"What?" His figure got blurry as the sand traveled higher.

"Be my moon," I repeated, more to myself as I made my way towards the waves of deep, royal blue. The cold water stung my bare feet as I inched closer to the mysteriousness.

I heard my name being shouted over the roaring dance of the sand.

I knew I couldn't stay in this wonderful feeling of being on the edge of safety and danger. But I had to feel the sensation of the mysteriousness that existed long before I did. I remembered eyeing this ever-changing wonder since I was young. I wanted to be part of it, to be wrapped up in its thrilling currents.

I needed Alex to be my guide as I let go of my senses and drift into a beautiful silence. It would only be for a moment.

So I stepped in, a rush of sensation crept around my body. With me, all my innocence and insecurities drifted into the endless waters.

I closed my eyes and for once, I stopped thinking. I started living.


Disclaimer: This is not whatsoever related to suicide. Annie is just like most girls that want to seek a little thrill and mystery after being in a world of perfectness and safeness for so long. At the end, she finally felt what it was like to let go and live during the moment.

I have been obsessed with the song "Rewrite the Stars" from the movie The Greatest Showman. It gives off a really nice vibe and it is just overall a really good song. 100% recommend. (I haven't even seen the movie yet. lol) Try listening to it while reading this.

"It's up to you, and it's up to me. No one can say what we get to be"


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