♔ Introduction♔

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♔ = Aarav

          I glance out from the window at the party that is wrapping up in the garden of the Raizada Mansion. My house. I smile at my younger siblings laughing and running after each other, playing a game of tag. My parents, my real mother and my adopted parents and their better halves – all sitting around a couch together reminiscing their younger days.

I turn away from it and towards my door when I hear it open and the clicking of heels on the floor. I lean back against the window seal, questioning. "Annie, what are you doing here? I thought you left."

She gives me a knowing glance, "Leave without seeing you?" Her point: that would never happen. "Happy birthday, again."

I walk towards her, leaving my glass of champagne on the table. "Thank you for coming."

She smiles and holds out her arms asking for a hug. She is huge on hugs. I take the one step forward and wrap my arms around her back in a full body hug. She sighs into the warmth and whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too," It comes out instantly as it has for years. She is my best friend and we've said these words to each other plenty of times over the years.

She pulls back and glances up shaking her head. "No, Aarav. I love you."

My brows crease together, questioning myself if I am hearing what I think I am hearing. She couldn't possibly mean it as more than friends? My hands rest under her elbows, "You're a little drunk, Angel."

She pounds her tiny fist to my chest and scolds with a right she often calls on, "Aarav, don't you dare dismiss me like this right now."

I always am quick to think on my feet. Know how the handle situations. But this? I have no idea what to say so I don't hurt her. I tried making that justification for her to get out of it but she isn't taking it and I can't be responsible for hurting her, who is one of the closest to my heart. She means more to me than I can ever admit to myself. We have been friends since as long as I can remember, and this...

She breathes out and looks into my eyes again, "I just need to say this okay? Because if not now, I won't ever be able to." As I swallow the lump at the base of my throat, she continues, "Can you make me two promises?"


"Shh. Aarav... I know. I know all the reasons why I shouldn't have fallen for you but even then, I couldn't stop myself. You don't love me back, I know that. Not the same way. I even know why not, and I am okay with that. I am okay with you not loving me back but I won't be okay if..." She pauses with a sniffle trying to not cry as emotions get the best of her and she cuts to the end instead of rambling, "...our friendship means the world to me and I can't imagine living in a world where we are not friends. So, promise me that after tonight, we'll never bring this up again and this won't change our friendship."

I try to argue, "We have to talk about this." It will always make me feel guilty because she was right a few seconds ago to scold me. I can't not acknowledge her feelings. All the females in my life have taught me to be a better person and I simply do not have the heart to be a jerk to Annie.

She shakes her head sticking to her decision, "There isn't anything to talk about. I convinced myself a long time ago you were never mine. I just needed to tell you so I can work on moving on, and I did. You just be who you have been all these years and don't ever feel guilty."

I hate it but she is still right about one other thing. Neither do I know how to live in a world where we aren't friends, where she doesn't know my heart inside and out. She knows me more than I know myself. Always, we are on the same page. Always, she's had my back, and I hers.

Her eyes glance into mines again speaking in a bare whisper, "Promise me."

So, with a heavy heart, I give her what she is asking for. It is the least I can do. "I promise."

She smiles again in relief and embraces me one last time for the night. "Thank you."

The one thing I've always wanted for her... for that smile to stay on her face. Over the years whenever she' been sad or down, I must have done countless silly things to make her smile again. For others, I wouldn't bat an eye or even give a second thought but for her... for her I would give my everything just to see her smile again. Just to see her happy.

When she tries to pull back, I purposely hold her back and hug her tighter. If I have to go back tomorrow and pretend this right here did not just happen, then I need to give her this right now and wordlessly express just what irreplaceable place she holds in my heart.

I don't try to console her or apologize for not returning her feelings – that would be undermining it and I could never disrespect her that way. I don't try to tell her what she's worth and how one day, some guy was going to be very lucky – I have already told her that multiple times growing up. I simply don't say anything except for when I finally unwrap my arms from around her, I press a light kiss to her forehead.

She closes her eyes standing in silence for a second before slipping away and without once looking at me, walks out of my room.

It kills me to watch her leave.

As much as I want to stop her, I bite back my tongue.

I have promises to keep.



Short but essential to the plot. Thoughts on what's in Aarav's head? Heart? Promises? Let me know what all you expect from this continued series and I'll see what I can do ;)  

Thank you for the 100+ reads even before I posted this part! Unreal and touched at all the comments and messages for this. <3

PS: Yes, Annie is the same Angel you know of from Dare ;) 

As always, your response determines how quickly the next part is posted!

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