♕ 1.30 I Am Yours ♕

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♕ Jhanvi ♕

          Going from having no family to suddenly being surrounded by so many is a huge change. I won't say it'll be an easy change, but seeing how they are towards each other, it makes me want to be a part of this family. It makes me want them as my family as well.

A huge part of me is convinced: I'd never regret that. Those people who continue to accept me despite learning I am pregnant with someone else's child could never be the cause of regret. I've never come across an entire family, let alone a single person, as understanding and non-judgmental as these people I am currently surrounded with. It would have seemed too good to be true, if I hadn't known what they had been through and why, as a result, they were this way.

And that just makes me love them more.

Rihaan runs down the stairs, informing. "Mom's on her way." He comes to sit next to Aarav and points at Kriana and Arshiya. "I will not be teaching you two anymore self-defense tricks."

Arshiya laughs at his glare, "Why, what happened?"

Instead of answering, he turns to Aarav, "Bhai, hit me, will you?"

Aarav asks the same question, "Why?"

He frowns, slouching in the couch. "I pinned Sanya to the floor thinking she was Kriana."

"You did what?!" Aarav exclaims as he sits up properly hearing that in a protective stance.

Rihaan tries an attempt to defend his actions, though I think even he knows he's at fault and feels guilty. "It's your fault. Why'd you send her to wake me up?"

Aarav swats his head, "You're an idiot."

Rihaan glares at the two females who laugh at him, "This is what happens when Kriana madam decides to wake me up by dumping water on me and I vow to get back at her for it."

Kriana teases, "Aww, does Rihaan baby not know the difference between my voice and Sanya's?"

"Shut up," He snaps at them and then winces when Khushi pulls his ear. "Ow, ow, ow!"

She pulls him in a standing position, "Shameless child, are you not forgetting something?"

"No?" He answers in a question and then his eyes widen in realization. "Ops, sorry bua. Happy birthday!" He exclaims hugging her and Khushi leaves his ear to hug him back. "I wish you have the best and many, many more."

"Good boy," She accepts his wishes before nudging him towards the stairs, "Now go shower if you want breakfast."

Anjali in the sideline informs me, "It's a rule we have. Unless you shower, no breakfast. And Rihaan is a master at attempting to break that rule every weekend."

I laugh turning back towards Rihaan who is stomping up the stairs while muttering nothing good under his breath and something about how this family has no pity on a growing child's stomach. She then offers her hand to me, "Come. Let's get you unpacked. Do you have something to wear for tonight's party?"

"I think," I answer, standing up and trying to recall my wardrobe. I'm sure there's a dress or something in there that'll still fit me.

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

          I did find something that I thought would fit. But, as I try to zip it up, I realize how wrong I was. I have been trying to accomplish this task since the last ten minutes. I huff in irritation and the front strands of hair blow back.

There is a knock on the door and seconds later, Aarav's voice calls out, "Shona? Are you okay in there?"

I understand where that question comes from. I've been locked in this washroom for twenty or so minutes. I might have to seek his help after all. I think the majority of the problem on the zip not closing is the fact that my hand isn't twisting back enough to reach for it. The other problem is my breasts which are starting to swell, not allowing the dress to zip up as easily.

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