♕ 1.9 Two Minutes ♕

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Dedicated to madhurao1210 Keep commenting silent readers! I love getting to read your thoughts. More dedications coming up :)

♕ Jhanvi ♕

          Say yes to marrying him?

Ha. Like that is ever going to happen.

I do not even know him, really. I made mistakes with Hiten. I fell for all that fake love and concern. I'll be damned if I make same mistakes again and with someone again whom I barely know. If I do not learn from mistakes, who am I even, right?

But I do want him to leave.

I clench my teeth and shut my eyes before taking a deep breath. I have only met this guy a week ago and I am already having to allot a different level to the amount of anger he brings out in me.

Putting on a fake smile, I walk up to him. "You want to help me?"


If he thought I was going to say yes, someone tell him to think again.

"Fine, I will accept your help, but not your hand."

He points out, catching on instantly what I meant. "That's not how it works."

I hold my hand up in a stop signal, but instantly pull it around my body again, holding the towel in place. I roll my eyes as his lips tug up in an amused smirk. This man is truly testing me right now.

"My conditions, Raizada. It's the only way I will accept your help. Take it or leave it."

The smugness leaves his face, replaced by seriousness as he must realize I am being dead serious. "I should have you cut my deals for business." He grunts a response making me momentarily twitch a smile.

I can safely bet that it's not everyday someone manages to make him agree for a compromise. It's a much-known fact that he gets what he wants. I have heard it around the office many times this week. Plus, he looks the type to have his way with just about everyone with that confidence he carries about - never a wrinkle of worry on his face.

"Fine, go on then. List your conditions."

"I admit when you say I will need support. So... I will accept your help, but as a friend. I will not marry you. I'll continue to learn business with you, and the only relationship we'll have is one of friendship. Anything to do with my child will be my decision. Not yours."

This is the conclusion he takes from it: "You're basically giving me no liberty to decide for you and taking me along as a slave."

"Hey, it's a friends' job to give advice to their other friend, but the other friend's choice to make their own decision." I point out, referring to him as the friend and myself as the other friend.

"Why can't you make it all simple by accepting my proposal and being my wife? Everyone will know the kid as my kid and no one has to know."

"No, I am not going to hide his identity. Yes, Hiten is a greedy man, but he is not the only greedy man in this world. I am sure many have done worse for less. But the grandfather is not and my child will have its grandfathers and my blood in him. He does not need to be ashamed of where he comes from and I will not lie to him about who his father is."

He is silent for the next coming seconds. I wish I could read his mind. Not knowing what he is thinking seems to unnerve me. There is something more to him. I don't know what I've said that sets him off balance for the blink of a moment.

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