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*beep* *beep* "Ugh...seventeen....more...hours..." I mumbled not wanting to get up as usual. The alarm kept beeping in its same annoying pattern only getting more and more annoying. I slowly dragged myself out of bed, feeling like I've just awoken after at least 10 or so centuries, give or take a few. I threw on my same old outfit, it's not like anybody really cares what you wear to school these days anymore unless you're in middle school so no point in changing it up, and I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair and etc. " Hurry up you're going to be late for the bus!" yelled my mother like every other morning. I finish up in the bathroom, grab my bag and begin my walk to the bus stop. A boring hour and a half pass by and we reach the school. I walk with my head down through the halls avoiding all possible contact. Nows the part we're I try to remember my combination. "Let's try this." I spin the dial to 5-27-30 and *click* I opened the locker and put my bag inside, grabbing my stuff for chemistry and shutting the locker. As I sat in chemistry I began to float off into my own world, a place were I could control everything. Life, death, love, happiness, sadness, and even pain. It was perfect in my world I could be whatever I wanted to be, labels didn't exist like poor or rich. Nobody coul- *RINGGGG* I snapped back into reality and went to English. I expected the same old thing read this, write about that. It was all so boring. But that's when the teacher asked us an important question "Will you live in regret because you didn't go for it? Or in peace knowing you gave your all going for it?" She continued with the lesson until the bell rang. As I left I couldn't help but ponder that question. Do I or will I live in regret, or will I just be happy knowing I went for it?

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