Regret: Part 25

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"We'll start with choosing sides, you can change your side anytime throughout the discussion. We're here to figure out if Aiden is innocent," Ivor explains, eyeing him grimly. "-or guilty.

"This side-" he points to me and Aiden, "-is if you think that Aiden is innocent. And this side-" he points to where Lukas is standing, "-is if you think that he is guilty."

I take in a breath as Maya, Gil, and Petra head over to my side, while Olivia, Axel, and Ivor (still standing in the center though) stand next to Lukas.

I give Petra a look asking her why. She shrugs.

"I trust you Jesse. You think he's innocent, I believe you. No matter how much I may hate-er, dislike him." She exclaims, and I give her a small smile as thank, ignoring the last part.

"Thanks." I reply and she nods, looking towards the other side.

"-you didn't really do it, you wouldn't." Maya whispers, quite loudly, eyes filled with concern as she speaks with Aiden. He shakes his head.

"Of course not Maya! We've changed, I wouldn't..." he exclaims, burying his face in his hands before sighing and letting go. Gil just stands near them, looking scared. I feel bad for the guy. Finding out your best friend is being accused of murder is hard. I should know. (cough cough, episode six)

"Oh Notch, I can't-" he says, like it's paining him. And that makes a small knot tighten in my chest.

"Alright, Jesse. You can go first." Ivor says, snapping me out of my daze. I share a glance with Aiden and nod reassuringly. Then I turn back to the table.

"Aiden is innocent. Ever since he's come back to Beacontown with Maya and Gil, they've been acting kinder, better than they were before. People can change, and I think that they have. We can't just blame people because of their past, but what they are doing now, in the present." I say, finishing up my first argument. Ivor looks at me, nods, and then turns to Lukas, gesturing for him to go.

"People can be deceiving, tricky, cunning. Sometimes they pretend. And that is what I think Aiden is doing. Some people never change, I've known them for years and all they've done is be mean and act like bullies. What if they're just tricking us, all of us? Right when we trust them, they just stab us in the back again. It's not like it's the first time this has happened." He says, and that suddenly reminds me of Sky City. The rest of the people must have been thinking about that too, because they shuffle nervously.

Aiden stiffens a bit next to me.

"Also, I heard about the cut that he has." I flinch, remembering.

What were you doing? Playing with glass or something?

If that's what you think.

"He probably got it from the glass shards that cut him, when he was trying to take them back from Ivor's house." Lukas exclaims, trying to convince the others.

"That's not where I got the cut!" Aiden cries, slamming his fist down on the table, making it shake. "Look, it's just a coincidence-!"

"And besides," I interrupt. "The glass shards were stolen after we realized his cut. He wouldn't have a cut until after-if, he stole them. It's impossible."

Sure of myself, I fold my arms across my chest and wait for their response. I can see Axel look at Olivia and shrug. Lukas places a hand on his chin.

"But what if the cut opened up again?" He says, and I freeze, realizing. "He could've gotten the cut when he dropped the potion bottle for the first time. It was the second time when he tried to recover them was when he got blood on it."

Those words make me speechless, thinking furiously of a way to contradict it. Suddenly, I think of something.

"Wait, Ivor. Did you see what the robber was wearing?" I ask quickly and he looks at me in confusion.

"Why do you need to-?"

"Just tell me, please." I say with hope in my eyes. He sighs and nods.

"Dressed in all black if I can remember. Looked thick too. Black pants, long sleeve, mask, everything."

"Ha!" I cry out, an idea popping into my head. "If he was all covered, than how did the blood get onto the glass? The only possibility would be if he got the cut on his face. And Aiden got the cut on his leg."

Now it's Lukas' turn to freeze. Aiden smiles widely and sighs with relief.

"Ivor said the clothes were thick, and I saw that the cut wasn't too bloody. There's no way the blood could've leaked through the clothes and then onto the glass."

There's a silence, and then a bit of murmurs. I can tell he's trying to think of a way to fight back.

"Alright, alright." Ivor says loudly, quieting the murmurs. "I think that's enough for this session."

I turn to Aiden who looks relieved. We mimic each other's smiles until we hear what he says next.

"Now it's time for the blood test."

Kinda short(?), but I wanted to let both sides present evidence to give you more information.

The killer's identity...








...will be revealed by Ivor next chapter. XD

Did you think I would tell you who it is? I won't spoil that for you. ;)

But yeah, next chapter is the one you're all looking forward too (I hope). I guess I'll see you then!

Edit:(Oh my goodness we're already on part 25?! I honestly can't believe we're this far, wow)

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