Winter Winds || Part 3

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In Which They Speak

      Eira curses herself when she finds herself staring at him, unable to turn away. She enjoys the warmth radiating off him, almost more than she enjoys coffee. Almost.

      "Hey, you're the girl in one of my classes!" She would have rolled her eyes at his words, thinking he could be talking about literally any girl in their year. However, she's too intrigued by his voice, the sound carrying a warmth she never knew a voice could possibly have.

      She wonders if she can make him talk more just so she can investigate further.

      "And you're the guy in one of my classes," she repeats back and notices a slight flush to his cheeks. Is he embarrassed, or just too warm? It is definitely warming up fast in here. He's probably too warm.

      She looks away to move up in the line, noticing she's next which sends excited tingles down her arms. She glances back as he mumbles a 'Yeah', and she grins at his sudden shyness.

      "Are you with anyone?" Eira wonders aloud, though she doesn't mean to. She blushes slightly at that -and then freaks out inwardly because she's blushing, meaning heat has reached her cheeks and is a high enough temperature to make it visible- and turns away from his bright eyes.

      "No, not meeting anyone either this time." This time?

      "Want to join us?" She gestures to the table she left, where Isla and Iris are conversing quietly while stealing looks at the new boy. Eira can't believe she actually had the courage to say any of that out loud, and she applauds herself in her mind.

      He glances over at the table, head tilting slightly. She finds it adorable. "Uh, yeah sure."

     "Great," she smiles at him and then steps up to the counter, ordering a blueberry muffin, a double chocolate muffin, and her coffee. She sneaks a look at him, asks, "want anything?" and waits for him to step next to her.

      As soon as their order is finished they make their way to the table, and Eira tries her hardest to ignore the looks Isla and Iris are giving her. She makes sure she's sitting next to the new boy, and suddenly realizes something. "Hey, what's your name?"

     Isla and Iris glance at her with wide eyes, probably wondering how she didn't know his name yet. If she were one of them, she'd already have his number. Actually, they would've had it days ago.

      "Aidan," he shrugs and returns the question.

      After the introductions are done, the group finds an easy rhythm, laughing easily with an abundance of smiles. And halfway through the hour, when Eira is almost done her coffee, she realizes that the hot liquid isn't as hot as it usually is when she swallows. Almost as if she's warm on the inside for once...

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