Winter Winds || Part 4

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In Which The Kids Have Plans

       Four days later, Isla and Eira finally have enough food and movies to bring to the kids. Isla was in such a state of glee that morning that she woke Eira up with a call and spread out their plans for the day. First part of their mission, collect the items and organize them so they can be carried to the orphanage. Second part, hang out and watch some movies. Isla plans to spend the entire day there.

     Now at Isla's house (because Eira hates having people over), they pack everything neatly in boxes. Canned foods, cereal, bread, some junk food while they watch movies, and a collection of movies to choose from, all get placed with the help of Aidan and Iris. It is the season of giving, after all.

      "So, how long have you guys been doing this?" Aidan puts the last can into the box and turns to Eira, who is organizing the movies.

      She pauses, takes in his messy hair and white shirt, drags her eyes back to the movies, and answers. "Ever since we found out about the orphanage. A few years back, maybe when we were thirteen? We had a project where we had to research what happens to those who lose a parent or both. We found the orphanage and decided to ask them."

      "We kept going back because Eira fell in love," Isla chips in, grinning as she hands Eira and Aidan their drinks: coffee for Eira and an Ice Coffee for Aidan. 

      "And Isla refuses to let us have more than three weeks between each visit, so I think she fell in love too." Eira grins and takes a sip of her coffee, enjoying the slight warmth she feels against her hands before she places the cup down again. 

      "That's awesome. I'd love to come with you guys whenever, if that's okay?" He sounds so unsure of himself, and Eira finds it adorable. She can feel her heart melting just a little bit as she watches him, smiling softly.

      "Of course," Isla exclaims, grinning like she just received the best news. "The more the merrier!" It looks like she's seconds away from jumping up and down while squealing.

      "Watch out, you just made Isla's day. Next thing you know, she'll be squealing in your ear and you won't be able to stop it," Eira warms with a laugh.

      Aidan's face lights up, before Iris finally speaks up. "Hey, so are we ready to go yet? Because everything is packed already. Unless you all want to keep grinning at each other like a bunch of lunatics." Hands on her hips, Iris looks like an annoyed mother who needs to keep her kids in line.

      "Yeah okay, let's go."

      "Thank you so much, Isla and Eira! The kids have really missed you," Natalie greets them at the doors

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      "Thank you so much, Isla and Eira! The kids have really missed you," Natalie greets them at the doors. "An you have friends, wonderful! The kids will love this!" Happy for the return of the two girls, Natalie quickly hugs them both and ushers them all inside. "The kids are in the movie room. Have fun!"

      And with that, they make their way to the room filled with excited kids.

      "I'm scared they won't like any of the movies," Eira mumbles quickly, heart jumping in her chest.

    "They'll love them, don't worry Eira," Aidan bumps his shoulder into her softly, leaving warm tingles playing down her arm. "You picked the best kid movies, even I'd watch them all."

      "Thanks," she whispers. And then blushes but refuses to acknowledge the fact that her cheeks are probably bright red.

      Iris opens the door and yells, "Hey kiddos! Guess who's here?"

      Eira can hear giggles and excited screams from the room as they all enter, and she's met with a group of kids all wearing large smiles. Almost falling over from the force of their hugs (since they decided running toward her in a group and sharing the love was a fantastic idea), Eira yelps and attempts to steady herself.

      The warmth along her back, like flames racing down her spine, tell her that Aidan caught her against his side to steady her while not dropping the box he holds. Oh man...

      Breathing deeply, Eira steadies herself -though she's unable to move because of the swarm of little humans in front of her- and greets the children. "Hey guys, we missed you too! But you gotta let go so we can put these boxes down and hug you back." She laughs as they all make sad sounds and back up, leaving her to pull herself away from Aidan with a soft 'thanks' so she can put down the box and sit on the floor, allowing the little guys to hug her properly.

      After all the hugging is done, the food is spread out, and the movie is picked, the group sits on a bunch of blankets on the floor, quietly eating snacks and cuddling with whichever kids chose them. It's definitely one of Eira's happier days.

      Especially because the kids somehow forced Eira and Aidan beside each other (with their sides pressed together and a delicious warmth distracting Eira), with the rest surrounding them.


Any thoughts on the banner I made? Do you think Eira looks like that, does it feel like her personality? I might be thinking about it too much lol

Hope this chapter was enjoyable!

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