Chapter 7: What Did I Just Do?

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Alexis Winter


When the bell rang, Mason and I got up from our seat together at the same time. He finished shoving things inside his bag and he let me go ahead of him. I took his unusual kind gesture and he followed behind me. Mason and I walked through the study hall room and went outside, sitting on the cold, concrete wall that was built by the bushes. I sat a few feet away from him and I think he's okay with that because he didn't tell me otherwise. I'm guessing because of the way he was acting earlier.

"So", I started to speak while swaying my feet back and forth, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"It's not really a conversation. It's more like a question." Mason tells me. And it sounded like the truth.

"Okay?" I confusingly said.

"This dance that's coming up, will you be my date?" Mason is asking me nicely. "Like will you go with me as boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The wind was gushing in the air and there was silence. "But why?" I asked him. I decided to finally make eye contact with him the way I looked at him when he was over at my house the other night when he stood over for dinner after our little session ended.

"Because", he started to say. "I think it will be good for us to go back to the way things were before. We had fun when we little, don't you remember?" He asks me.

"I don't remember. I was little at the time so I don't know much of what we did when we were little kids."

"All I wanted to say is, give me a chance. Please. Let me show you I can be different than the rest of the idiots in the school. Please." His voice sounded a bit whiny if he thinks that's going to change my mind.

"What about the conditions I made with you? Somehow, you already broke one of them. How can I know you're not going to break my second condition?" I whispered to him.

  "It'll never happen. I promise." He took out his hand and lifted his pinky up, showing me that he's being serious about this promise Mason is keeping. I think I might be the death of him.

I pushed my glasses up so that the frames wouldn't fall off my face. I took my pinky out as well and crossed it together with his; the both of us making a promise.

"So does that mean you'll go with me to the dance?" He asks me again.

"I guess so." I sighed about this, knowing I'm going to regret later on in the future.

"Great. And um, one more thing." Mason says in addition.

"What is it?" I asked, starting to get concerned now.

"Will you still tutor me? Like today, after school?" I wonder if he thought I was done tutoring him for good.

"Just don't be late this time", and I kicked him just a bit by his ankle.

       I'm sure he was saying this in a joking matter when he said, "Ow", before asking me another question. I heard him asking me, "What was that for?" I got up from my spot when I know the bell was about to ring shortly. I walked away and turned around to say, "Just like old times, remember?" I turned back around to walk inside the school building and I heard him mumble something underneath his breath but I couldn't put the words together.

          When the last bell rang, I walked out of my last class first, trying to get the front seat on the bus. Until I heard my name being called for. "Lexi!" I heard, echoing the hallway. It was Mason. He was jogging through the crowd to coke nearby me. "Um, hi?" I question him.  "What's going on?" I couldn't resist hiding my smile but I pulled my sleeve closer to my wrist, covering my mouth.
      "I wanted to ask you if you wanted me to give you a ride home today? Since we are both going to the same place anyway." Mason offers me. I never thought a bad boy like him would give out a generous offer. The only offers I thought they would ask to offer each other smokes or money.
       "Sure, Mason. Thanks."
  "No problem." His family must be rich since he's driving a BMW. "Nice car", I complimented his sweet ride.
        "Thank you." We got inside the car and he drove off. Surprisingly, I thought he would've drove like an obnoxious jerk or at least not watch the speed limit but I'm guessing since I'm in the car, he's taking it easy.
         We finally arrived at my house, momentarily. I opened the door after we got out from his car. My mom was inside the kitchen, cooking dinner, while Austin's dad is flirting with her.
"Stop it, you", my mom let out a snort. Yeah, that's how she laughs. "Hello?" I questioned their presence while shutting the door behind me.
        "Alexis? Is that you?", my mom cries out.
      "And Mason", Mason shouted out. My mom walked away from the kitchen, seeing the both of us standing by the front door. "Oh, goodie. You brought Mason back."
      "Mason is here for another tutoring session if that's okay." I reassured my mom letting her know that we are not dating. Whatsoever.
        "Of course it is, honey. I wanted to get to know Mason before I found out he wasn't here when we came home the other night."
        "Sorry to disappoint you, Alexis's mom. It was getting late and Alexis seemed like she had a rough day so I decided to head on home."
        "No worries. I'm glad you're here now. Please come sit down. Would you like a snack?" My mom gestures her hands, guiding us to come on into the kitchen to chit chat. "Mom," I began to spoke up. "We should really start studying. We have this huge test coming up and I want to make sure Mason understands the material."
        "You're always studying, you", she wags her finger at me. "Take a break, relax, enjoy life."
        "Um, okay?" Yes, I'm judging her behavior.
        "So, Mason. What's your last name?" Here we go. I rolled my eyes at my mom, knowing this is going to be an all night long conversation.
        "Steele." He replied back to my mom, engaging in this talk. 
        "Wait", my mom said, making it sound like she walked into memory lane, "Are you Mitchell and Sarah's son?"
"Yes". He voice goes into shy mode now. Weird.
"I work with your mom. She's only a few rooms down from my office. She's a very nice lady." My mom is telling us a story about work.
"Thank you." Mason continues the conversation with my mom and act like I'm not in the room.
"I'm also, sorry to hear about what happened with your father. He was a good man from the stories your mom told me about." My mom is giving Mason her condolence.
"Thank you", Mason repeats himself. "It means a lot to me and my family."
"What happened with your dad?" I asked, sneaking my way into this conversation.
"Alexis!" My mother shouts at me. She never shouts at me. "You don't go asking people that when they lost a loved one!"
"It's okay", Mason gave it the okay to speak about what happened. "He past away because he was very ill."
"Sorry." I really do feel bad now but I'm still trying to catch up on this whole friendship thing.
"Thank you, Lexi." Mason looks at me with those brown eyes of his, glistening like a twinkle little star. Wait, he has a heart? Can a bad boy have a good heart after all?
"So", my mom strikes up another talk. "Your school email about a dance. Are you going?"
"I didn't want to but-,"
"I asked her and she said yes." Mason cuts me off.
"Yay", my mom cheers as she claps her hands together, rapidly. "You guys would make a great couple."
"Okay, Mason, it's time to go study now. Let's go." We both walked away from the kitchen and proceeded to go upstairs to my room to study. Here's to another long night... again. I'm going to regret all of this.

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