Chapter 16: Something's Not Right

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Alexis Winter

            I heard another knock today. Who else would be at my door now? I paused my show, got up from the couch and opened the door. It's Mason... again. "What do you want, Mason?" That was the first question and thought that came to my mind. 

            "I got you something." He handed the rose and chocolates closer to me and I took it so it's away from his hands. I lifted them both up in the air and asked, "What's this for?" 

             "It's my way of saying I'm sorry. " His eyes are filled with worry along with other thoughts that must be floating around in his brain. "You're right. I should've defended you in school. I should've stepped in but I was just scared."  

               "Scared of what?" I cut him off before saying anything else. 

                "I'm scared to loose you." His lips were the first thing I noticed. It looks droopy a bit with a look like a sad puppy wanting attention from its owner. My voice goes timid when I asked, "Why would you be scared to lose me?" 

                  "Because what that girl said was a lie. I'm not using you for anything and if you forgive me, I'll show you that I'm changing." 

                  I tapped my foot on the floor, up and down numerous times, trying to considerate what he's trying to offer. "Maybe we could talk and get to know each other more." He added in there, while I'm trying to think of my decision. 

                 "I forgive you but I don't want to talk today." 

                 "That's fine, babe. Whenever you're ready, we could talk." 

                  I nodded my head and agreed to him. Now we are both standing here, with awkwardness and silence as the wind blows making me shiver. "You okay, baby?" 

                 "Yeah, I guess I'm just cold a little." 

                   "Here", he took off his jacket and gave it to me to hold and I'm assuming he wants me to wear it. 

                   "Take it back. I don't need you to get sick." I gave it back to him but he gently pushed my arms back towards me and said, "Keep it. I don't want you sick." 

                    "But I'm already sick", I whispered to myself. 

                      "Did you say something?" Mason questioned me. 

                      "No. I just said thank you for apologizing and for the jacket." 

                       "You're welcome." Before it got too quiet, Mason turned around and walked away from my house. I shut the door slowly, leaning my back against the door and breathed in and out. In and out. "Something isn't right here." I told myself before going back to what I was originally was doing. 

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