Issue 14: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

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When the blast cleared I saw the girl holding up a boulder that had turned into a million pebbles from the blast. Uh Oh. She threw them all at me and as I was blocking she flew up to me and roundhouse kicked me right in the stomach. My feet slid down the street but I stayed up, only clutching my side after the kick. She dashed towards me and I quickly dodged a punch and elbowed her in the back of the head before kicking her in the back and sending her into a building.

"What the hell is your problem!?" I asked her before she shot more electricity at me. I rolled out of the way and shot an energy beam at her that she tried to block. She's lucky I wasn't looking to kill or maim or she'd have no arms right now. She was still however sent back into the hole she made in the building.

"My problem is-" She said before charging forward at me and punching me in the face. "The first time I see you-" She caught up with my body as it flew through the air and punched me into the ground, causing my body to make a crater. "You attack me!" I threw a blast at her and she simply swatted it away. Okay should probably start trying now. She picked me up by the coat collar. "The next time I see you-" She punched me so hard I went into a car. "You help me stop a crime!" She charged forward again and I barely jumped out of the way before she punched through the cracked glass of the window. "And now, you're blowing up a building for no reason!" She said pulling her hand out of the glass. She attempted to punch me again but this time I caught her hand.

"What!? That wasn't me!" I said. I pulled her arm and threw her into a side of a building. "I'm trying to find out who did blow up the store!" I said.

"What?" The redhead said before I heard some sort of noise. I looked behind me and barely dodged a red beam heading straight for my heart. It whizzed passed me and into a bus, and the bus immediately exploded. I looked at who shot it and it was a girl who looked like she just fucked up and smoke coming out of her finger. She had blue hair and an eyepatch, and looked like she was out of a flashy anime that took place in Neo Tokyo.

"Whoops." She said before throwing her arm behind her back. "Don't mind me! That was an accident! Please go back to taking care of my problems for me." She said before clapping her hands together and trying to strike an innocent looking pose. "Please?"

"...No." The Redhead Girl and I said at the same time.

"Worth a shot." The blue haired girl said before firing two separate blasts at both of us, one red and one purple. The red head jumped out of the way and next to me as I rolled out of the way of the other one.

"Okay... guess we're back on the same side-"

"Making a lot of assumptions that aren't necessarily accurate." I said.

"Whatever! Just help me take care of whoever this freak show is... oh shit, I don't know your name." The redhead said.

"And I don't care enough to know your's." I said making her scoff.

"Well it's Prodigy and-"

"I said I don't care." I told her before we got out of the way of a light blue blast.

"Are you two done!? I still have a couple new features I wanna try out!" The blue haired girl said. I ran towards her and she ducked a flurry of punches before punching me in the gut. Then out of nowhere, she grew two robotic arms that more resembled tentacles from her back and used them to spin her as she kicked me in the jaw. I fell to the floor and looked at a huge blast that was changing colors forming in her hand. "Oh, and in case you cared about my name, it's C-1. As in Cyborg-1." She said before Prodigy kicked her arm to the side while using her other leg to kick her in the face. "Ow!" C-1 said feeling the side of her face before trying to punch Prodigy. Prodigy blocked it and I jumped up and threw a punch at C-1. A robotic arm caught my fist and C-1 threw another punch at Prodigy. As Prodigy fought C-1's actual hands, I fought her robotic arm. Soon she grew another and another and I was fighting four robotic arms. Out of nowhere, C-1 grabbed Prodigy and turned around, throwing her at me, dropping both of us. I threw Prodigy off of me and glared at C-1. It was then I realized that there was a whole over my eye in the mask. "So wanna try anything else?" C-1 asked me smugly.

"Trying." I said.

"Awww that's adora-"

"No, I mean I'm gonna try actually trying to beat you." I said.

"You mean you weren't trying this whole time!?" Prodigy said. I stared at her for a couple of seconds before punching her into another building.

"Don't know. Did that feel like it hurt more than the other times I punched you?" I asked her rhetorically before looking at C-1 who actually looked concerned now.

"Where were we?" I asked her with a hidden grin behind my mask.

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