Issue 17: Me Against the World

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Hayley POV

"I'm serious."

"And I've told you for the millionth time, I get it! 'Don't go upstairs, don't touch anything, don't ask my mom any questions' you've said it a million times!" I said as we neared... his house. Should really ask him for a name. His house was surprisingly nice, despite a broken window. "Did someone break in?"

"Yeah." He said casually.

"Did they steal anything?"

"Pizza. Clean pair of underwear." He said before opening the door. "Sit on the couch over there while I get my mom."

"Really? Your mom's gonna fix your crime fighting injuries?"

"I'll have you know she practically did surgery on herself once in an alleyway with a first aid kit and some scissors." He said before walking upstairs. I sighed and blew a piece of stray hair out of my face before I heard a shout of "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU!?" There was a back and forth between the two for a few seconds before I heard "WAIT YOU ACTUALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!?" Making me blush downstairs. I heard him shout "NO SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Before the other voice shouted "WHAT COULD BE SO BAD ABOUT HER THAT YOU DIDN'T ASK HER OUT!?" before he said "SHE'S A HERO!" There was a silence before his mom said "YOU BROUGHT A HERO TO MY HOUSE!?" There was another back and forth before I heard footsteps come down the stairs. He came down the stairs with his hands in his pockets next to his mom.

"Uhhhhh... hi." I said awkwardly. His mom muttered "Dammit, she's cute, why'd she have to be a hero?" Before throwing on a smile and saying "Hi. You must be, Prodigy. I'm... wait, what is your name?" She said before looking at him. His blood covered eye widened under his mask.

"I... never thought of one." He said.

"I'm Spectre's Mom." His mom finished his sentence for him.

"I'm not calling myself Spectre."

"Yes you are, or you're grounded."

"Fine, as long as I don't have to use the other half of it."

"What's wrong with being-"

"ANYWAY, can we fix my face please!? And my shoulder!?" Spectre shouted making his mom shrug. His mom walked into another room. He took off his mask again before sighing. "Sorry, she can be a little weird." He said.

"It's fine." I said staring at his battered face. I looked around before getting up and saying "I'll be right back."

"I thought you understood when I said a million-"

"I have to use, the bathroom, dick." I lied before walking into a nearby bathroom. I looked for a wash cloth and when I found a blue one I put cold water on it before walking back out.

"What the hell are you-"

"Just shut up and let me do this." I said before getting the dry blood off of his face. He grabbed my wrist to stop me at first before he hesitated and let go of me so I could finish. He's like a wolf that's never heard of someone being nice before.

"...Thanks." He said. There was still a slightly red stain on his face but it wasn't nearly as bad as it originally was. In fact, now that I had a better look at his face, he wasn't exactly bad looking. Too bad he's an asshole.

"Don't mention it." I said.

"So, Prodigy, was it? Got any hobbies besides pursuing false truths and blind justice?" She asked. What's with his family and hating superheroes?

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