- Sixteen: Representation -

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- Sixteen: Representation -

God dammit! I roared, rearing back on my hind legs and scratching my claws against an oak viscously.

Dude, you need to calm down. All relationships have their fights, Nick said as he sat on his haunches next to me. I ignored him as I continued to annihilate the tree.

Dom! He shouted, jumping in the way before I could press my claws deeper into the bark.

Would you please just let me vent in peace?! I shouted through our thoughts, pushing him aside. He may have been large, but I was still a male Ri. Members of the hierarchy were typically stronger than the rest of the leap.

No! I'm afraid you'll go back there and claw Riley's throat out or something! He shouted back.

I wouldn't do that, I said, finally leaving the tree alone.

I don't want you tearing David to shreds either, Nick continued.

It's extraordinarily tempting after all the trouble he's caused, I growled, slinking deeper into the woods with Nick on my heals.

Yeah, and what's that gonna solve? Not only would you have a pissed of mate, but you'd also be down one friend, he had a point. I couldn't argue with that.

So what am I supposed to do? I asked, crouching low to eye a herd of deer.

Nick made his way to the other side of the herd and crouched there, Why don't you send in another girl to talk to her?

What, a proxy? I asked, tossing the idea around in my head.

Yeah! Just send in a close friend of hers to have one of those girly heart to heart chats, Nick said.

We both sprang then and attacked a single deer. It had no chance when it came to two coordinating panthers.

She's only been here for a few days, Nick, she doesn't have any female

friends yet, I huffed in irritation. Every plan has a hole in it.

We were silent for a while until Nick said, What about Misty or Willow?

That could work, I said as I tore into the flank of the deer. Hunting always released my stress, Call Willow.

Hey, babe! Nick called through our thoughts that were now open for all to hear, Dommy's got a job for you!


I was boiling myself a pot of coffee in the small kitchen in my apartment when I heard a knock at the door.

"Go away, Dom!" I shouted without turning from my work.

"It's not Dom!" I recognized Willow's voice call from the other side of the door.

I sighed and walked over and checked the peep hole to see if she was alone. She was.

Unlatching the door, I let Willow in.

"I heard what happened." She immediately said as she plopped down onto the couch.

"Are you guys gossiping about me at night now? The doctor person told me that I was injected with human blood so I couldn't change last night, is that so you could all just chat?" I growled.

"No, that was so your body could recover from the anxiety attack you had." She smiled. I cursed her for her kindness. I wanted to argue.

We were silent for a while as I poured us some coffee. "He truly is sorry, Riley." Willow said after a while.

"It's so much to take in." I said quietly.

"I was born into this life, but Nick brought me from another leap, so I kind of understand how it feels to be in a new place with a bunch of strangers. But when Nick found me we both instantly knew that we were mates." Willow said.

"I wish he had told me something instead of me finding out on my own." I sighed, finally letting my guard down. Opening up was never really my thing, but Willow's kindness made it hard not to.

"I know, it's just hard. It's like a nerdy kid asking out the hottest girl in school, except with this he not only had to 'ask you out', but he also has to tell you it was permanent." What Willow said made sense, and my anger towards Dom was beginning to extinguish.

"You're right..." I finally admitted.

"You're probably hungry, wanna go to the dining hall?" She asked, getting up from the couch. Her sandy colored hair fell from her shoulders and gracefully onto her back.

"Starving." I smiled, getting up and walking from the apartment.

"Thank you, Willow," I said as we made our way down the hallway, "you're a good friend."

"Yeah, just call me the Pink Panther."

The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Book One) (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now