Baby Steps: Marhinki Fanfic

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I was bored...

Matt's P.O.V

I was discussing some game bang ideas with the guys when I got a call. I looked over to see Mari's face appear on my screen. Mari was my best, "Girl-Friend", and we talked a lot. I didn't think much of it and casually answered the phone. "Yello?" I can hear faint sniffles. I immediately grab my stuff and go to my car, leaving David and Josh very confused. " H-h-he " is all I hear before deep sobs enter my ears. " I'll be right over " I say confidently. I knew what happened. Peter had broken up with her. I never liked that guy, and to be honest, at first I hated him just because I liked Mari... And I still do... But a while after meeting him, I saw him again with his girlfriend. It wasn't Mari. I was furious that he would cheat on her. I tried to tell her but she denied the facts. She made excuses. For him. Just thinking about it made me die a little inside. I arrived at Mari's house, and pulled out my keys. I came over to Mari's often, so I had a key. 'Where is that damn key?!' I wonder, fiddling with all my useless keys. Soon I hear a creaking and out pops a very red and poofy face. She pulls me in, probably not wanting anyone to see her in her state of being. As soon as we are inside, she collapses into my arms, sobbing. I bring her to the couch, and bring out some mint chocolate ice cream and a giant spoon. She manages a faint smile as she takes them both. 'Man is she cute...' I thought to myself, watching Mari stuff her face with ice cream. Next, I bring out a twenty-four pack of beer. To that she smirks. After a full tub of ice cream and eleven and a half beers, Mari is giggling like crazy and talking a whole lot of sh*t about "PoopyPeter" as Mari would call him. I loved the new name for that dirtbag. I was completely drunk, and not going anywhere anytime soon. "Soh- *hiccup* inki, can I- *hiccup* tell you something?" "Sure Mari, what is it?" I reply the very drunk girl sitting on my lap. "Your- *hiccup* cute." She says smirking. That's the last thing I remember of that night. I wake up with a raging hangover, and for some reason I was freezing. I find out why a few seconds later. I hear an ear piecing scream come from next to me. I bolt up to see Mari looking at me bug eyed. And naked. I look down and see that I am also naked. My eyes nearly pop out. We look at each other and scream. Everything is really awkward after that. I scramble out of her bed and run into her bathroom. Luckily I have an extra set of clothes here just in case. I never thought the case would be this... I change and look in the mirror. I look like a mess. 'Why did I start drinking last night?' I walk out of the bathroom and sit next to a now dressed Mari. "So..." She says. "So..." I sigh. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault, I should have-" "No, I'm the one to blame here. This is my fault." Mari says, cutting me off. "How about we agree that we are both to blame" I suggest. She nods. We both agree that the crew shall never hear about this. Then we laugh it off. Man, Mari is awesome.

Timeskip to two weeks later

Since that day, me and Mari haven't talked. In fact, none of the smosh crew has talked to her since that! Mari hasn't been coming to the Game Bangs, and rarely does Maricraft anymore. If she does then she does it alone, and very briefly. She says that she just isn't feeling good, but it's been going on for two weeks now! Every time that I ask to come over, she comes up with an excuse. I feel like I messed everything up. I was editing some videos with Josh, and I guess he noticed that I was stressed. "Hey Matt, you doing ok? Maybe you should take a break. I'll finish the editing for tonight." "Wow, thanks dude, I owe you one!" I just needed to relax. "Oh, and do you think you could give Mari her jacket when you see her, you seem to talk to her the most." I agree and go to the restroom. I splash cold water in my face and look at myself. I sigh, and notice that there is sobbing coming one of the stalls. "Hey, are you ok in there?" The crying stops. I hear the toilet flush, and out comes Mari. Her face is red and wet. "Mari? Where have you been! You've had me worried sick!" She sniffles and says that she still isn't feeling well. She sees her jacket in my hands, and I hand it to her. "You left it here last time you were here. I was gonna bring it to you when I left. Why were you crying?" I had so many questions! "Look, I gotta go..." She says walking away. I'm about to go after her when something on the floor catches my eye. A pregnancy test. And it's positive. Is this Mari's? Holy shit! I chuck it into my bag and run- no, sprint, outside. I make it just in time. "Mari, are you pregnant?!" She stares at me, then bursts out crying. Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into...

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