Chapter 6:

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I'm typing this on my new iPod right now, my family is moving so I have been packing and stuff, and I thought, 'ya know what, imma write some more of my marhinki fanfic!' So here ya go, hopefully it isn't to bad, and I apologize for typing errors, my fingers are huge so typing on this tiny iPod is kinda hard... I also wanna apologize for how short this is, but ya... Anyway, enjoy!

Mari nine months pregnant (still)

As if things couldn't get worse for me, my parents hate Matts parents, and they are constantly talking about he who shall not be named. (Peter, not the no nosed evil doer...) They keep saying things like, 'Oh, to bad this isn't Peter's baby,' and, 'I wish you and Peter were still together,' and I'm pretty sure if I hear it one more time I'm going to throw my sneaker at them. Oh, and that reminds me, my favorite shoes ever don't fit me anymore since my feet are always flucking swollen. Matt still hasn't left my side, which is nice, but also kinda annoying. I have no idea why though...

"Matt?" I ask to my lovely boyfriend who is sitting next to me on our bed, flipping through the channels. "Yes Mari?" "Can you go buy me some more peanut butter?" (My mom craved peanut butter when she was pregnant with me, but I hate peanuts and peanut butter...) "I don't want to leave you, what if you go into-" "Ill be fine. Just go get my peanut butter." "But-" "Go. Get. My. Peanut. Butter." He sighs and rolls off the bed. "Fine, but if ANYTHING happens, call me." He says putting the house phone on the bed next to me. "Yeah yeah, go get me some peanut butt-" I stop and wince a little bit from the contraction I'm having. "Is it a contraction?! Are you ok?!" "I-it's fine, just go get-" I wince again as another contraction hits, this time much worse than any other contraction I've felt before. I groan and know this isn't some normal contraction, this is a labor contraction. "Code pink, code pink, I repeat, code-" I wince again, cutting off the code we decided to say when the baby is coming.

No one's P.O.V

"Oh gosh, ok, um..." Matt says, running around the room to find the labor bag, (The bag you take with you to the hospital when you go into labor with clothes and stuff) the car seat, and the baby carrier thing... He runs downstairs and puts the stuff in the car, and frantically runs back up to get Mari. After finally getting everything in the car, they speed off to the hospital. Half-way there, Mari screams, which scares Matt half to death. "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! " he screamed, nearly crashing the car from panic. "MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!" "Oh god, oh god..." Matt mumbles as he increases his speed a little. "Matt, don't go so fast, we're gonna get-" just then flashing blue and red lights appear behind them. A loud siren goes off, and Matt swears under his breathe as he begins to pull over. As he sits in his seat waiting for the cop to come to his window, Matt constantly swears and asks Mari of she is ok. He rolls down his window for the older cop, and tries to reason with him, "I am so sorry for speeding, I was just trying to get my girlfriend to the hospital because-" "I'm sorry sir but you are going to have to come with me." he interrupts him. "But she-" "I said YOU need to come with me, I'll have someone drive your girlfriend to the hospital" But I need to be there with her!" "Step out of the vehicle sir." "Please, just let me be there with her to have the baby, and then you can take me, please just let me be there for my daughter's birth!" the cop glared at him for a while before sighing. "Fine, but only for the birth, then you're coming with me." "Thank you, thank you so much, and I promise, just so I can see my baby be born."

I sorta got the idea of this chapter from a television show I watched before called: "Accidentally on Purpose" it was about this girl who ends up pregnant after an one night stand, and the dad has to move in with her, it's pretty funny if you want to watch it it's on Netflix. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! See ya!

Baby Steps: Marhinki Fanfic ~CONTINUED SOMEWHERE ELSE~Where stories live. Discover now