Chapter 9

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Please enjoy this new chapter, and I added a pic of what I thought Elle and Emma may look like. Emma is on the right, and Ella is on the left. Sorry the chapter is kinda boring...

Matt and Mari were exhausted. It had been a week since they had brought the twins home, and they felt as though they could sleep at any moment if they weren't careful. If one woke up from their nap and cried, so would the other, and then there would be two very upset babies that Mari and Matt would need to tend to. They couldn't take turns taking care of them since there was two, their parents had left, and their friends were all to busy with their own lives to help. They had to go shopping for more baby furniture, which was a hassle to begin with, but then they had to put everything together, on their own. It took them forever just to make the crib. The couple hadn't left the house since their shopping trip, which was a few days ago, and they just wanted a break. Luckily Ian and Anthony were understanding and gave them some time off so they could get settled, and so they could work out a schedule for where the twins would go when they were filming. Mari had been using any time she didn't use on the twins to find out what they were going to do when they had to go back to work. Would they just take the twins with them? Would they get a sitter? No, Mari couldn't possibly be away from her babies that long, she'll just take them with her to work, she'll put cribs in her office and the staff can watch them when she and Matt are filming. She nodded to herself, happy that she had finally figured out her work schedule and stood to go check on the twins. She walked into their nursery and stared down at her two angels. Arms snaked around her waist, making her jump, and light chuckling came from the man behind her. "Matt, don't do that, you scared the crap out of me..." she whispered to him, making him chuckle a bit more. Then they just stared down at their babies, both thinking about how lucky they were to have such an amazing family.

~A week later

"Matt, did you get the diaper bag?" Mari called up to Matt as she held the twins. "Yup!" he said coming down the stairs with a large duffel bag that they used as a diaper bag. "And you remembered the sunscreen?" she asked him. "Yup!" Matt replied, taking out the sunscreen to show her. Today was a nice day and the couple was taking Emma and Ella to their first trip to the beach. Some of their friends were coming as well, so they would actually be able to go in the water together. They walked out to the car and Mari buckled the twins into their car seats while Matt threw their things into the trunk. They both got into the car and began driving.

~Another time skip

"Here we are girls!" Mari told her twins as she unbuckled them. Matt was balancing all their things and slowly walking down to the spot they had picked. There weren't to many people, which was a relief to the couple since they didn't want to have to deal with two babies in a noisy and crowded place. Mari smiled at Kalel and Anthony and sat in her chair. "I can't wait to have my baby! We can have baby playdates!" Kalel said as she rubbed her swollen belly. Kalel is three months pregnant, and she's super excited to have her baby. She the only one of the couples friends who's helped with the twins these past weeks since she wants to learn about taking care of babies. "Matt, wanna go in the water?" Anthony asks, and the two race each other to the water. Kalel picks up Emma and lightly bounces her, smiling widely at the baby. Mari can tell she'll be a great mom. Mari lightly rocks Ella and talks with Kalel about random things until the boys come back. Mari stands and hands Ella to Anthony. "Here, hold her, I'm going to go into the water with Matt. Kalel, you watch him." she says, and Kalel nods. Anthony carefully sits and very gently holds the baby. Mari runs to the water, Matt trailing behind her. They splash and play, and have a good time, but soon they head back and dry off. "This was really fun!" Matt said as he began packing up their stuff. "Yeah, we should do it again some time!" Anthony says as he hands Ella to Mari. Matt finishes packing up and lugs all of their things up to the car while Mari stays to say goodbye. "Thanks for doing this with us, we really needed it." Mari says as she takes Emma from Kalel. "No problem, we should definitely do it again sometime." Kalel responds, smiling. "Well, I'll see you guys, bye!" Mari says, and leaves to the car. The sleeping twins are put in their car seats and Mari gets in the passenger seat. "This was fun..." Matt said, smiling at Mari. "Yeah". She gives him a quick kiss and smiles back happily.

Writing 'Kalel' was so annoying cause it kept being autocorrected... Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Baby Steps: Marhinki Fanfic ~CONTINUED SOMEWHERE ELSE~Where stories live. Discover now